History Channel
VIKINGS – 2.09 ‘The Choice’ A Tiny Viking Returns
The Vikings disagree. Horik is pushing for a fight. Ragnar speaks caution while everyone else falls somewhere in between. This leaves Ragnar restless and bereft of sleep he sits by the fire in his blankie. Ragnar speaks with Bjorn who is concerned about the upcoming battle. He comforts his son with the words of the Seer who predicted Bjorn would marry a princess one day. Does the Seer know something we don’t, because that doesn’t sound like the slave Porunn to me?
Athelstan prays and asks advice regarding the new gods with an old one. It is a difficult position for this man of faith and he struggles greatly. A choice indeed must be made. You can feel it coming.
As the Vikings arrive on the day of battle Ragnar plays the role of Captain Obvious in pointing out the enemy.
Ragnar” This is the place.”
King Horik: “How do you know?”
Ragnar; ” Because they are already here.”
When Horik and Floki ran ahead into the fray, I must admit I was hoping to see Horik get his guts mashed out! Sadly, it was not his day to die. The Vikings took heavy losses and in the midst of battle, Rollo got ROLLED! I was literally shouting at the TV in anguish to see him trampled! My Goodness! That guy has the worst luck of them all!
Fortunately, he is saved from certain death by the Tiny Viking. Perhaps the gods did have some purpose after all in allowing Athelstan’s capture? Ecbert has Rollo’s wounds tended and hatches a plan for peace. King Aelle will stand as surety in a bid for peace with Rollo serving as a peace offering.
And who do they send to offer this message? None other than Athestan himself. Ragnar is more than pleased to see Athelstan again and they speak as if no time has passed. The two talk of gods and faith. Ragnar summed it up beautifully when he said, “I hope that someday our gods may become friends.”
Meanwhile back home, what trickery is this? Porunn practicing with sword and shield!
She answers all our questions upon replying to Aslaug’s query: ” I want to be like Lagertha.”
We completely agree and I for one, was utterly shocked when Aslaug not only gave Porunn her freedom, but bestowed a gift as well.
In the end we see Rollo returned, a very happy Princess Kewenthrith pawing her new Mercinaries along with the Tiny Viking’s return!
Floki was totally called out by Ragnar and yet still does not see. Jarl’s Blood Eagle is a great example of what happens to those who collude with King Horik.
Will he really betray Ragnar? It seems so. With only one episode left, we are about to find out.