History Channel
VIKINGS – 2.08 ‘Boneless’ Love Over Logic
Aslaug is in pain. It is a difficult birth and it seems her prophesy was correct. The newborn is flawed. Ragnar is in pain with the birth of “this poor, weak runt.” He makes the only decision he sees possible by leaving his newborn abandoned outside for the god’s to decide. Aslaug rescues her son by choosing “and” instead of “or.” She chooses to love and accept the child in addition to his flaws which flys in the face of cultural custom. And, in this we could all learn a lesson. Beautiful, gorgeous stuff, proving taboo is sometimes good for the soul.
King Horik is impatient to leave. I’ve a feeling the King is feeling insecure with the alliance between Ragnar and Lagertha solidified. He’s feeling like the odd man out, king or no. I’m quite certain he was not reassured seeing the the whole Lothbrok family join the raiding party. He was thrice thwarted when Ragnar chose his own way in confronting Ecbert upon their arrival to Wessex. The Viking beat the good king’s throw-away son with the olive branch first extended. Now, there are two kings equally unhappy.
A princess arrives in Wessex and as she is a murderess, making her feel right at home in King Ecbert’s land. Princess Kwenthrith is anxious to meet these “Northmen.” Seeing Ecbert underperform with her in the bedchamber makes me think only Northmen will satisfy her thirst. Is there a storyline here for Ragnar or Athelsan?
Observations: • Lagertha has come into her own being an Earl. Seeing the cat in her arms proves it so!
• Flaming pigs head. It’s what’s for dinner. No thank you!
• Do you suppose Athelstan remains our Tiny Viking at heart?
• Ivar! I wish you a long and happy life!
• I liked Bjorn’s bloody lesson in how to roll like Rollo.
• It is good to see Bjorn follow his heart going against custom in his love for the slave girl, Porunn.
• Will Floki continue his bromance with Ragnar?
• Ragnar’s look was priceless upon learning Athelstan was alive. I cannot wait for a reunion between the two men!