NEW GIRL Recap: Big News
Nick and Jess are post break up – Nick has it written on his hand. In fact he has a lot of things written on his hand. He’s a grown up with a law degree, right? Speaking of grown up’s Jess is in the closet changing. Explain to me how breaking up means you have to get dressed in the closet? Anyone?
Everything is awkward. They go to tell everyone about the breakup. However Winston has bigger news. He was accepted into the police academy. Schmidt is doing finger guns so you know it’s a big deal. Winston goes on to say the whole day should be about him. All in favor? Nick and Jess opt to keep their news to themselves; they’ll just pretend to be together for another 24 hours. Everything is still awkward.
Jess calls her Mom to get some post breakup sympathy but instead she gets tears and the complaint that now she will never be a grandmother. Not what Jess needed to hear. Meanwhile Nick is on a park bench telling his old guy Asian friend about how upset he is about the breakup. He is worried he won’t be able to hold it together. Usually he would talk to Jess about these things.
Nick decides to throw himself into throwing Winston a party. He gets a piñata that looks like a police officer and asks Winston what he wants to do. Winston wants a Honey Roast. It’s like a roast but people say nice things about you. Coach things this is ridiculous. It’s about to get more ridiculous since Winston also wants a throne and Nick to MC the Honey Roast dressed as Ferguson (the cat). That’s the line Nick won’t cross.
Schmidt is at the bar with Cece who is working and practicing for her GED test. She never graduated high school and she figures it is about time. She has failed the last five practice tests so it doesn’t look good. Schmidt isn’t surprised she failed, she doesn’t have one single flash card. Not one! That man sounds like my father at times. He’s taking over as her tutor.
Jess gets over to Cece’s house to talk to her about the breakup only Schmidt is there. She pulls Cece into another room and tells Cece what is going on. Jess is lamenting how fine Nick seems with the breakup. Cece says Nick isn’t fine, he is just pretending. She needs to go talk to him and Cece will go with her. Better advice than what Coach is about to tell Nick.
Back at the loft Nick is trying to build the throne but it isn’t working. He’s frustrated and Coach is worried about him. Nick is lolled into a safe place by the tone of Coach’s voice and lets it slip that he broke up with Jess. Coach says this makes Nick’s behavior, willingness to throw a party for Winston, more understandable. His advice is to bottle all this emotion up, in fact he should even take one of Schmidt anxiety pills. This can only end well.
Jess and Cece get to the loft and Coach gives her a big hug before remembering he isn’t supposed to know they broke up. A pill popping Nick gets pulled into the bedroom to talk about their feelings. He says he feels amazing, great and happier. Jess isn’t happy (obviously).
Schmidt shows up next. He followed Cece to give her crap about bailing on the tutoring. He says nothing is more important that her future. She tells him Nick and Jess broke up, that is more important right now. Schmidt doesn’t take the news very well. He is a child of divorce after all. They don’t have time to ponder this since Winston shows up, in a white tux with a cane. He is sure going all out for this Honey Roast.
The Honey Roast goes full speed ahead. Cece, Schmidt and Coach are in attendance with Coach sitting on his throne, a loopy Nick MC’ing and a drunk Jess dressed as Ferguson the Cat. It’s gloriously awkward. There are a few, “Winston is so cute…” jokes and Jess who has had enough grabs the mic. Jess tells Coach he has too many sweat pants, Cece has long hair and Schmidt has a big head. She is pretty drunk. Then she turns to Nick. “The worst thing about Nick is he is okay…and I am not okay.” Nick tells her he isn’t okay, he was just acting like it for her benefit.
Nick and Jess turn to everyone and say they broke up. Winston can’t believe they tried to hold it together so he could have his big day. Winston says he will postpone the Honey Roast – until tomorrow night. He’s a giver.
As she always does after a breakup, Jess watches Dirty Dancing on repeat. Nick calls her phone from the other room where he has been doing some serious drinking. He doesn’t know what they should do now. He throws her a new box of tissues and hangs up with, “Goodnight honey.”
This was a good episode. It’s been awhile since I truly loved a New Girl episode. Schmidt is back to his fast talking insulting in a funny way self and I love it. While I liked Nick and Jess together I actually can’t wait to see how they handle this breakup.
New Girl airs 9/8c on FOX