Revolution: Awful Austin
Revolution 2.18 Austin City Limits
Jason and Neville fight because Jason wants to go after the Patriots, not Monroe. Neville isn’t willing to give up on Julia so Jason leaves.
Back at the camp, Miles and Monroe are discussing whether to go to Austin to try to stop the Patriots from taking over Texas when Jason shows up. He brings them intel from Truman’s office – the exact location where they are sending the cadets from Willoughby. He pleads his case and Miles, Charlie and Monroe finally agree to let him come with the understanding that they’ll shoot him if he steps at all out of line.
Miles says goodbye to Rachel and they head off to Austin. The address Jason gave them is a gun store and find out that the cadets are renting rooms above the store. The group goes up to check but no one is home. They find scraps of Arabic words in the fireplace. Jason recognizes one as being a man that Monroe knows. Apparently Patriot brain-washing includes teaching Arabic.
Monroe and Miles go to visit the man while Connor, Jason and Charlie prowl around more. Jason senses an intruder and saves them, making Charlie stop him from killing the man. The man is one of the men who trained him.
Miles and Monroe learn that the Patriots are trying to incite a battle between Texas and California. Their old buddy agrees to tell the people in the Texas government about the Patriot’s plan and leaves the room. Miles and Monroe hear noise and open the doors to find one of the man’s whores stabbing him. She then kills herself. Not surprisingly, she has a tatoo under her eyelid. The commotion draws local law enforcement, which find Monroe and Miles with two dead bodies.
Apparently they talk fast because they are quickly released and join Connor, Jason, and Charlie. Jason has tortured his ex-trainer to get the info that the next target is the Texas president, Carver. They plan to frame California.
The crew all goes to a big formal rally welcoming new Texas Rangers where the leader of Texas is appearing and try to scout out threats. Jason is recognized by one of the undercover Patriots, who activates him by reading his tattoo. Miles recognizes one of the new Rangers as a boy from Willoughby.
Charlie follows Jason when she sees him walk off and she realizes he has been activated. They fight and he nearly kills her but she manages to get his knife and free herself. He continues to attack her and she is eventually forced to shoot him. In the distraction caused by the sound of the shot, Miles also shoots the cadet about to kill the President.
Charlie holds Jason as he dies with tears streaming down her face.
Aaron and Priscilla
Priscilla sticks her hand in the fire, watches it burn blackened, then pulls it out and watches it heel. So, clearly, she is not human. Later, Aaron asks her about her family and offers to help her look for them. Priscilla hears a noise and urges Aaron to hide. A wagon goes by with two people in a cage in the back. Aaron asks how she knew it was coming and she seems surprised that he didn’t hear it.
Aaron gets suspicious of Priscilla and confronts her. The nano admits that they are controlling Priscilla’s body while she thinks she’s still in 2014 safe, sound, and happy. The nano wanted to see what it was like to be human (whoa, talk about creepy!). If Aaron does what they say, he will get Priscilla back.
They continue walking and meet up with Rachel where she is camping with Duncan’s men.
My Thoughts:
In hindsight, I guess I should have appreciated that it’s been too long since a major character was killed. As unrealistic as it may be, I had hoped that all the other deaths this season would be enough. And to have Jason die at Charlie’s hand is particularly wrenching. While I can see the purpose from a plot perspective, Jason was always one of my favorites (admittedly it’s in no small reason because JD Pardo is rather easy on the eyes, and charming to boot). Although it was without a doubt self-defense, I have to wonder how much more Charlie can take and retain any of her humanity. I’m not sure that anyone needed any more motivation to go after the Patriots, but this sure made it abundantly clear how awful they are and why trying to stop them is worth dying for.
Memorable Quotes:
Hang on, you’re supposed to be dead!
Back by popular demand! – Monroe
You two are like the Sid and Nancy of frowning! – Monroe
Catch Revolution on Wednesdays at 8/7c on NBC!