VIKINGS – 2.05 “Answers In Blood” Lagertha’s Choice
Lagertha and her warriors arrive to a warm welcome. Rollo is surprised at Bjorn’s size. “Frey and all the gods, Bjorn. Your a big bastard now.” Never were truer words spoken. Bjorn is HUGE. Floki s even impressed.
Ragnar’s two loves Lagertha and Aslaug are surprisingly cordial to one another and share a tender moment until Ragnar arrives. He breaks up the awkward moment by demanding a plan of attack on Jarl Borg.
It is decided that Bjorn will raid with Ragnar on an attack to Jarl’s grain stores. Nothing like a father and son raiding party to build Viking bonding. Bjorn does well in the raid, however when it comes to the heat of battle, Ragnar says only: “You have a lot to learn.”
Ragnar wins back his lands leaving Jarl to return to his former holdings. His return is greeted with much gladness and is capped off by a good-old beheading in honor of the gods who showed them favor which Daddy Viking insisted Bjorn perform. Thank goodness it appears Rollo took no offense at the slight. It is good to see him back.
Come on Daddy! Give the kid a break! It was a real site to behold everyone fighting together united. Lagertha, Ragnar, Rollo and Bjorn as one. It warmed the heart in an odd sort of way. Ragnar is torn between two women and wants them both. He seeks the council of The Seer who wisely informs the Viking a real truth. “You are only fooling yourself Ragnar Lodbrok if you thing the choice is yours to make.” Well said, Seer. Very well said.
Aslaug is feeling very nervous of her standing with Lagertha around. Ragnar says he doesn’t want either to leave, however the new Mrs. Loth doesn’t seem so convinced. Lagertha has an impossible choice in front of her. Her son, wishes to stay and she is loathe to leave without him. The prospect of returning also would place her at odds with Auslaug.
Lagertha makes the gut wrenching decision and it is a bold choice. Bjorn will remain while the Shield Maiden returns to her idiot husband. “Look after him Ragnar. He’s all I have left.” What a moment! It was beautiful. This must have been the shocker Katheryn Winnick was referring to in an interview at the start of the season. She was correct it was hearbreaking indeed. Auslag knows what a gift she has been given and the embrace was genuine. Seeing her ride out, with her head held high was amazing.
Meanwhile, King Ecbert is holding court and makes a ruling on the abuse of one of his female subjects. Athestan is asked his opinion on what Pagans say of such cases. “..They would believe her, and make judgment on her behalf.” Ecbert rules in her favor, however, our Tiny Viking is in the fire now, and who knows when The King may change his mind. It is difficult to know where Athelstan’s allegiance lies until he fakes communion after some very impressive hallucinations.
Someone give that guy a hug. He could use it!
When news arrives from across the water that their raiding party has been defeated, Ragnar only has one thing on his mind. “What about Athestan? What happened to Athelstan?” We all feel the same way Ragnar.