THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Tidbits at Paley Fest 2014
If you’ve been to a fan event for The Vampire Diaries before, generally you know what to expect. Yet after spending a Saturday night with 2, 599 other fans, “crazy” would be the best way to describe The Vampire Diaries panel at Paley Fest 2014. (Although “eardrum-blasting” works too.)
The panel was moderated by E! News and E! Online’s Kristin Dos Santos and taking the stage were Co-Executive Producers Julie Plec and Caroline Dries and stars Paul Wesley (Stefan Salvatore), Nina Dobrev (Elena Gilbert) and Ian Somerhalder (Damon Salvatore).
Between the constant fangirl screams (“This is the easiest moderating gig I’ve ever had…Ian just says one word and the entire place just goes nuts,” remarked Dos Santos), cries of “I love you!” and requests for selfies with the guys, here’s what we uncovered…
Somerhalder revealed that he had been shooting until 5am and while on set discovered the #DelenaRainKiss campaign on Twitter, which then prompted a discussion as to why it’ll never happen. Sorry Delena fans, but last time Somerhalder and Dobrev shot a scene in the rain, it was below freezing temperatures and Dobrev got really sick afterwards. “You write another rain kiss and I quit,” joked Somerhalder to Plec.
As to whether Delena fans can expect a reunion anytime soon, Plec said they need to have a proper conversation before it could happen and the actors agreed.
“When you have grown up conversations, you have to put your big boy and big girl pants on,” said Somerhalder. “But the problem is they keep taking the pants off and that keeps getting in the way of the grown up conversation,” added Dobrev.
Appeasing both sides of the show’s “potent love triangle”, Dries then promised, “There’s some really good Stelena stuff coming up in the episode that Paul directed. We get to see Stelena in a way that we haven’t seen them before and it’s very satisfying. It’s nostalgic.”
For the Steroline fans (which FYI includes Wesley himself), expect to see a lot more scenes of Stefan and Caroline together in the next couple of episodes. “They go through some stuff together,” said Plec. Dries also warned that Stefan will also have a hard time for the remainder of this season. (How is it even possible for things to get worse for Stefan this season?!)
Other things revealed during the panel included: don’t get too attached to any new characters that pop up on the show – “Most new characters are created to die,” revealed Plec; Caroline’s staying put in Mystic Falls and won’t be jumping ship to The Originals any time soon (“We are not losing Caroline. No way in hell,” declared Somerhalder); when Damon’s downing bourbon shots, it’s actually iced tea; if the church where Katherine was dragged down the aisle looked familiar, it’s because it was The Originals set; and when Wesley made his directorial debut, Dobrev left in his dressing room a nice sentimental card with a gift that turned out to be a big portrait of herself!
The Vampire Diaries airs Thursdays at 8/7c on The CW.
Below are some photos taken during the panel: