HELIX – 1.11 ‘Black Rain’ Infant Immortal Assassins
It was all fun and games till someone puts a rat in the microwave. Peter is now firmly in control and with his Hive to help, he’s got a plan. The Vector Kings hive collective is bleeding out one of their own and in an attempt to infect the remanding survivors. The blood is released via the sprinkler system. Holy Hannah! it’s raining goo!
A message comes in from Illaria: “Initiating retrieval Protocol.” They’ve got six hours. A plan is created to blow the base while everyone else hides in the bunker. Daniel is pissed. Hatake has hidden so many things from him and Miksa calls him on it. The two hash things out and Daniel nearly chokes on the fact that he has a sister and, better yet, it’s Julia. Oh happy day! Break out the sibling rivalry!
Julia is recovering along side Dr. Jordan and it appears that Sarah may live thanks to a super cell infusion. Now Dr. Walker wants to replicate the results for the rest of the infected. Jules, using the Narvik Virus she pocketed, formulates a cure. When Alan learns the Virus is not destroyed he throws her a real zinger. “Your’e not better than Hatake!” Like father like daughter. Hatake was right about one thing Julia is the key to the cure. With Sarah’s help, Julia comes up with a cryo delivery system to treat the Vectors. Thanks to Daniel’s clever little device, Julia and Hatake do just that. Peter is one of the first Vectors treated and it works!
Meanwhile topside, our evil automated voice warns of an impending attack. A group is sent outside to defend the base, but were outsmarted with a diversionary tactic and three Immortals descend. One of them is an assassin and he wastes no time in killing those he comes in contact with. The planned detonation failed leaving Immortal Death Dealers above and everyone else ensconced in the Montanaland Bunker.
Well, isn’t this a hot mess? Honestly I’ve got nothing left. This episode was so off the rails I cannot begin to imagine how anyone’s getting out alive. The only good thing to come out of this is things finally got so bad people actually started speaking truth.