NEW GIRL Recap: Fired Up
Coach and Jess
Coach is subbing as a PE teacher or something at Jess’s school. I believe he actually said, “Keep running or I will murder your families.” He seems to really like it.
While sitting in the teacher’s lounge Coach finds out Jess does all kinds of odd jobs around the school. Painting over the graffiti, mowing the lawn, IT help. Her plan is in a few years to ask to be Vice Principle. Coach thinks Jess’s plan to earn a promotion with years of hard work is ridiculous. She concedes it isn’t working out so well.
Jess confronts Dr. Foster with her request for the Vice Principle job. I’m going to refrain from mentioning how you actually become a Vice Principle as this is a sitcom and they clearly don’t care. She gets the job and is ecstatic.
At school the next day Jess is trying to figure out what to do about the budget. Dr. Foster says she will have to fire some people. Coach is one of them. Jess breaks the news to him. The kids really liked him and they look upset as Coach leaves.
Later over at the bar Jess is trying to console Coach. They both end up in tears. Jess decides this isn’t right; she and Coach should go to the volleyball game and support the kids.
Coach gets to the game and calls a huddle. Dr. Foster sees this and confronts Jess. Jess says she is not letting their best people go; they will make up the budget deficit in other ways. Coach has his job back.
Nick, Winston and Schmidt
Nick and Winston help Schmidt move his extra stuff into the store front he is renting for the next three years thanks to Jess’s sister. While they are standing there discussing how far Schmidt has fallen someone walks in mistaking it for a furniture store. Schmidt plays along. Unfortunately while the guy was walking around he falls and breaks his arm. He intends to sue the crap out of Schmidt.
Schmidt has looked all over for a lawyer but he can’t find one he can afford. Winston suggests that Nick represent Schmidt. Nick did after all pass the bar. I am going to refrain from mentioning the time line issues I have with this as I am pretty sure I’ve brought it up before. Schmidt is appalled; Nick would be the worse lawyer ever. He changes his mind after hearing Nick’s retainer is $5.00. Well $4.00 once Schmidt talks him down.
Nick is going over Schmidt’s case and it doesn’t look good for Schmidt. Nick doesn’t like to prep; it makes him feel boxed in. When he does decide to maybe do a little prep he keeps asking Schmidt questions as if Schmidt would know if what Nick was doing was right or not. Schmidt fires Nick as his lawyer.
The next morning Jess is in the kitchen when Nick comes in lamenting being fired after spending $19 on a briefcase. He really wants to represent Schmidt. Jess says go for it.
At the deposition Schmidt says he is going to represent himself when Nick shows up with Winston. Nick says he is from the firm of Cooper, Bishop and Ferguson. Ferguson is Winston’s cat, right? Anyway he introduces Winston as a senior partner, Winston Ferguson. Winston gets into it making lawyer jokes and everything. Nick freezes and it doesn’t look like it will be going very well for Schmidt.
The court reporter is reading back the official record while Nick stalls. When she gets to the end the guy offers to settle for $20K. Schmidt says fine but Nick pulls him out of the room and tells him not to settle. Nick says he has a plan; Schmidt just needs to believe in him. Schmidt says sure, I believe in you.
Back in the deposition Nick is standing and making some sort of speech about injustice. When he sits down the chair falls out from under him. He removed a few of the pieces. The other lawyer isn’t amused or fooled. Nick says this may be his first case but it is also his only case. He will spend every waking moment filing petition after petition. They should rescind the lawsuit. Nick’s tactic actually works.
Cece and Buster
At the bar Cece is getting hit on by a drunk icky patron. When he goes back to his booth she hits it off with a cute guy named Buster. The bar manager comes over and says, “I have quite an eye for young boys” before getting Buster to show his ID to make sure he is legal. Turns out he is only 20. This prompts a very shocked face from Cece and this from the bar manager, “Get out of here you delicious bastard.”
The boys are celebrating at the bar when Buster the hot 20 year old comes back in. He came back to tell Cece the legal drinking age in Australia is 18 (where he is from) and that Cece is beautiful. He really wants to take her out sometime and so he is there to do some self-promotion for that cause. Cece is charmed. Buster says he owns his own business, old ladies love him – they call him sensitive, he’s also a pretty good cook, sort of, not really. What does Cece think? Cece thinks she would like to have coffee with him, right now.
Nick gets to the loft to find Jess sound asleep with all of her work laid out around her. He moves just enough paperwork to lie down next to her, calling them a power couple.
New Girl airs 9/8c on Fox