HELIX – 1.10 ‘Fushigi’ Immortality Isn’t So Fun After All
Sarah undergoes testing from Alan and the news is not good. She is dying. In the time remaining she chooses to work in the lab looking for an antiviral to combat Narvick. Thanks to some clues dropped by Hatake, she is soon on the correct path, however the cure may not come soon enough as Dr. Jordan collapses before her work is finished. Later as she lies in an induced coma, it appears that Julia will be her only hope.Will Jordan be the newest member of the silver eyed club?
Hatake tries to explain the truth to Juilia, however he still continues to hedge under the guise of her protection. Juilia is fed up and will have none of it. I have to admit, Hatake has done some truly horrific things, however it does appear that in his own way, he is doing the best he can and is willing accept vilification as penance for his misdeeds. Whatever the truth is, it must be truly horrific to warrant his silence.
Sergio grumpily gets his injuries tended by Anana while Daniel observes. The three decide to clear out in advance of Ilaria Corporation. All is well until it is discovered one Ilaria employee is missing. Sergio tries to go with Daniel and fails due to his wounds. Daniel sets out alone and arrives just in time to save Julia and Alan at the abandoned Listening Station. Sergio gets some action of his own by remaining behind as he and Anana share a tender moment. Way to go Ballesero’s! See! I told you he was one of the good guys!
Alan and Julia make the track to the abandoned Eschelon Deep Space Listening Station in search of Dr. Adrian who has absconded with the Narvick Virus. Along the way the two start digging up old bones regarding their relationship to no avail. Generally opening old wounds results in a Gordian Knot unless one or both parties admit some blame. It wasn’t until the bullets started flying that the former couple came to some healing.
Upon arrival to the station Adrian is discovered trying to contact Ilaria and Dr. Farragut is successful in wresting the Virus away. Events continue to spiral out of control when a sniper kills Adrian and forces the two to run for cover in an underground tunnel. What is discovered there is truly mystifying. The underground room contains a silver eyed prisoner, Gunnar Michaelson, half mad from his captivity and he reveals information beyond belief. He was imprisoned by Hatake 29 years ago and speaks of a 500. “There can be no more than 500.” His name is Gunnar Michaelson. Julia decides to free him despite the dangers in the name of research. Sadly the release spoke of was not the same as theirs. He kills himself in dramatic fashion directly in front of them.
After Daniel’s timely appearance, the three of them burn the place to the ground along with the Virus and return to Arctic Biosystems to confront Hitake. Mr. Enigma reveals Gunnar betrayed Dr. Walker’s mother to Sutton resulting in her death. Hatake repaid him with the gift of life in captivity and chains. Hiroshi admits one more truth, the 500 are immortals and they run the Illaria Corporation. Boom! There goes my mind! This is monumental!
Peter breaks into Hatake’s office and it looks like he is another member of the Dr. Walker obsession society. I was amazed to hear him speak (well sort of) when Hatake confronted him and am glad to see him out and about. From all the story lines here, Peter’s interests me most. What will he become?
Observations and Questions:
• Why is EVERYONE obsessed with Julia and what does she plan to do with the Narvik Virus she saved from the flames?
• One can only assume that Julia and Hiroshi are immortals as well.
• What happens if there are more than 500 immortals?
• We have some answers, but with only three episodes left, Helix is going to to move at the speed of light to tie up all these loose ends. Thank you Cameron Porsandesh for a truly fresh and compelling story.