Alyssa Sutherland & Travis Fimmel Talk Vikings
NiceGirlsTV had the opportunity to chat with Alyssa Sutherland (Aslaug) and Travis Fimmel (Ragnar) regarding the upcoming season. ‘Vikings’ premiers tonight on The History Channel, 10pm Eastern. They both revealed teasers on what we can look forward to in the future.
Alyssa described her character as not only a Princess but as a Seer who possesses certain supernatural skills. She revealed that Aslaug and Ragnar both feel that their relationship is destiny. Travis shared his thoughts regarding Ragnar and they are very similar. He describes Ragnar as very driven and feels a certain responsibility as his legacy to father more children. When Lagertha was unable to successfully bear more offspring, Aslaug appears, and the pairing was logical for him. He says that Ragnar wants to have many children and he feels like he missed out on raising his son.
In Season two we have a time jump where Ragnar’s son is older. Travis remarked that it was tough to say goodbye to Nathan O’Toole (Bjorn Lothbrok) Nathan was a local casting who was very well loved. Fimmel described the older version of his son played by Alexander Ludwig as a “Very big boy.”
Previously in Season one Lagertha and Siggy had some very emotional scenes and we asked if Aslaug would share any moments of crisis this season. “Oh Yes!” Alyssa remarked there were two very big moments for Aslaug. The first being her pregnancy and the second which would happen in episode five. She referred to the event as “a major crisis.” Sutherland would not comment further without giving anything away, but from the sound of things it’s a whopper.
Travis remarked that Athelstan (George Blagden) broke Ragnar’s heart and one of his favorite scenes was when the viking prayed by the lakeside. Regarding the combat scenes, Fimmel revealed that he is getting to old to do those like he used to, however George was really excited to get the opportunity to fight this year.
Both actors commented on their appreciation of show creator and writer, Michael Hirst and the gift that he has for story-telling. Each enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere and the ease in collaborating together in order to create something unique for the screen. Alyssa spoke of her admiration of Hirst from his previous work in The Tudors and Elizabeth and said with Hirst writing every episode the series has a very cohesive voice which makes their work as actors much easier.