S.H.I.E.L.D. Roundtable: “T.R.A.C.K.S.” (aka We All Love Elizabeth Henstridge)
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. returned this week with an episode probably inspired by The Great Train Robbery. Here are Nice Girls Mel, Frea, and Louise to share their thoughts on “T.R.A.C.K.S.”
Q. Did we ever find out what T.R.A.C.K.S. stands for?
Mel: Not to my knowledge. Maybe it’s an inside joke for uber-fans?
Frea: It’s a cute acronym for what I’ll be making from this show if they kill Skye.
Louise: I never figured it out , but I’m curious. (Also it’s frustrating to not have an answer potentially for a month.)
Q. Were you worried, even for a second, that they were going to kill off Skye?
Mel: I wouldn’t say I was “worried”, but I did wonder if TPTB would be daring enough to do it. The character isn’t working as well as I though she would based on the pilot, so maybe getting rid of her would be a good idea. In all honesty, I’m not invested enough in her character to be sad if she’s gone, but I do want to solve the mystery surrounding her. Probably they should kill off Ward first.
Frea: Nah. Too early, too much mystery. Though Simmons broke my heart with her breakdown like that.
Louise: Not really. As Frea said, it’s too early for the show to kill someone we love that much. I think at this point Skye’s too much of a very special snowflake to die.
Q. Are May and Ward letting their personal relationship influence their work? And can we officially call that pair Wary?
Mel: It looks like we’re headed for a personal feelings vs. duty to S.H.I.E.L.D. moment with them, and soon.
Frea: Ward is. And sure. Can we jettison him soon? He’s the worst. Please put me out of my misery. (This does not include the actor, who tells fabulous puns.)
Louise: I think Ward is and it shows. May’s too hardened to let it happen. I’m generally not a fan of portmaneaus (or whatever it is actually called) so no.
Q. Favorite scene?
Mel: Simmons’ backstory for her character was pretty adorable, as was Coulson going along with it. I totally buy them as father-daughter. Ward and Coulson trying to work the holo table was a welcome, and amusing, reminder that they don’t know everything.
Frea: Simmons throwing herself on the grenade.
Louise: Stan Lee’s cameo and all of Simmons’ backstory.
Mel: I’m going with Simmons. From her “I am, however, very good at preparation” on the train to her heartbreaking reaction to Skye being shot, Elizabeth Henstridge killed it in this episode.
Frea: Simmons. I know, I’m supposed to say May, and May is awesome and I love her and she was amazing in this episode, but Ward’s draggin’ her down. I see LeFranc and Judkins’ annoying tendency to derail whatever mission is in progress (HA! PUN UNINTENDED!) with heart-to-heart chatty moments is something that wasn’t limited to Chuck.
Louise: I like Frea’s outlook on Simmons for that grenade prevention.
Next time: Skye’s life hangs in the balance! Dun dun dunnnnn.