HART OF DIXIE: Help Me Make It Through the Night
”Weird” Medical Case of the Week: Annabeth has some growths on her ovaries, and so Zoe and Annabeth go down to Mobile to get the opinion of an OB. As soon as a little girl comes to see Annabeth at the house, Annabeth loses it. There are really complicating factors with this case, and not all of them medical. It’s only a cyst on her ovary! Small mercies for everyone in town.
Gossip: Joel’s having difficulty making friends in Bluebell, especially with Lavon. Lavon and Joel both admit that the men have nothing in common, except for Zoe.
After last week’s defection from the Bells, Lemon doesn’t have an invitation to the Halloween Masquerade Ball. But as Lemon tries to work with Cricket, she runs into a very nice looking man (Robert Buckley) who has a flat tire. Lemon’s gone to ask her grandma to town for help and Brick’s not happy about it. Grandma has managed to get Lemon an invitation and a date. Nothing wrong can happen with this, right?
Tanner Hughes is a horse affeciano. No one’s ever referred to Lemon as something better than a horse. Tanner’s also really controlling once they arrive at the party. He’s really a winner. Why can’t he be a dud horse?
Annabeth needs Zoe’s doctorly work as she’s worried about Lavon, but there’s something less than awesome in Zoe’s assessment. It turns out that there’s something to worry about, however small.
Grandma Breeland is causing problems all through the party, even as she’s passed from person to person.
Robert, the man Lemon bumped into at the Rammer Jammer, is now feeding her information to get Tanner to be less interested in her. Robert’s also trying to get Lemon’s attention, and seems to not mind her stories relationship past. Robert’s even impressed with Lemon’s organization of the jukebox, and it’s rather sad that no one in town’s around to watch this unfold.
Let’s give three cheers for Lemon for defying Grandma’s orders and going back to Robert’s hotel for the night!
Relationship Drama: Wade has a one-night stand to start us off. Too bad that girl has a very angry looking boyfriend. The man is still after Wade all episode long and everyone’s gotten roped into helping Wade avoid a beating. Is there something to Wade’s plan that speaks to what he really wants? Probably. If George can see through Wade’s rouse, it’s pretty obvious.
Lynly is out of town so Annabeth is trying to convince Lavon for a night in. Turns out he’s got a plan. Is he planning on proposing? Because of all of Annabeth’s issues, Zoe and Joel crash Annabeth and Lavon’s dinner. Is this going to ruin both relationships? In the end, Annabeth won’t tell Lavon what’s wrong and nothing quite seems right between them all. Lavon’s special surprise was Night of the Living Dead, not a wedding proposal!
Zoe seems worried about Joel and Wade spending time together. Shouldn’t we all worry? Joel’s friendship with Wade is not what she wants from everything.
Lemon’s grandma seems to have issues with all of the life choices of her family – down to Brick and Lemon both being single right now.
Wade, as he snuck into the Masquerade Ball, slept with the judge’s wife. Good on you, Wade!