RECAP: Castle 6×02 “Dreamworld”
I should say right up front that I didn’t like “Dreamworld” nearly as much as I did “Valkyrie”. It was difficult for me to suspend my disbelief during this episode, and that kinda tainted the hour for me.
There were definitely some bright spots – Nathan Fillion did an amazing acting job for one. I also appreciate that they made believable the fact that Castle was getting exponentially sick over the 10-12 hour period. And I enjoyed seeing Warren Christie (Alphas, OUaT, Arrow). He was one of my favorite characters on Alpha, and not hard to look at.
What I didn’t love? The FBI was made to look rather silly. They were snowed by several people, they didn’t come up with the connections in order to solve the “case”, and they let a civilian into their inner circle – yeah, it was Castle, but it’s just not feasible that they’d allow him to help them while inside one of their secure buildings.
I found it a bit trite that they used the whole “terrorist attack” thing as a red herring for the umpteenth time, and they recycled several plot points from earlier episodes. Martha intuits again that Rick is in trouble because he’s polite and not throwing out smartass comments, and just like Kate in “Still”, Castle talks to his family but doesn’t tell them that he probably only has a few hours to live.
Being a graphics nerd, I loved that Castle knows about Times New Romans kerning – and uses it to pick out words from a mostly redacted document. I had a huge smile on my face, but I wish he’d actually used the word “kerning”. Would’ve given me a fully blown nerdgasm.
I wasn’t sure it was possible, but Pi was even more annoying in his second appearance. He’s insinuated himself into the family, and takes credit for Rick’s recovery. Nobody’s that stupid, right? (yeah, I know that’s an incorrect assumption, but it still makes my head spin).
I was super glad that I was caught unaware by the bad guy. I like it when I don’t guess the murderer right off the bat. Decent writing job there, but the holes in the plot point didn’t quite make up for it.
Lastly, Castle badmouths coffee that may have come from a Keurig machine – and that’s almost unforgivable in my book. He’s not that big of a coffee snob. Also, I love my Keurig, and it punched me right in the taste buds. *smile*
Some nice relationship moments, but I truly think they could’ve done better. Quite a stumble after the stellar premiere episode last week.
I would like to include this Pi-themed jiyuritsu (free-form Haiku) especially for my friends on Twitter.
Pi does healing Reiki
Castle wakes up in hospital
Silly Pi takes credit
“Need to Know” is the next episode of Castle, and airs on ABC Next Monday October 7th at 10pm/9pm Central.