RECAP: Castle “Valkyrie”
Well, now that I can actually discuss the Season 6 premiere, let’s do!
First of all, even though she hems and haws, Kate does eventually say yes to Rick. Not exactly a shock, but it was one of the things ABC specifically asked us not to spoil. She reveals to Rick in the same scene that she’s gotten a job offer in DC and wants to take it. Personally, I’m happy with this development. It means they’ll still have obstacles, and that makes for good television. I don’t think it’s going to make for an overly angsty show – it should just add another level of storytelling.
The time-jump happens right after the proposal continuation, showing Kate doing some training in DC with her new partner, Rachel McCord (played by Lisa Edelstein). She seems a bit out of her element – not exactly passing the test in which she’s involved. Since she’s used to excelling at her job, I’m guessing this is a new experience for her. Part of what has me intrigued about the DC storyline is seeing Kate find out how she does without Castle and his ‘outside the box’ thinking.
Rick took the opportunity after Kate moves to DC to go on a book tour. I LOVE the scene where he talks to his standee, and tells Martha to ask the cardboard all about his trip. He arrives home just in time to see Alexis, freshly home from her trip to Costa Rica and he meets her new ‘friend’ Pi. The best word I can use for Castle’s state while he receives a somewhat unwelcome hug from the young man is “Gobsmacked”. When Pi and Rick talk about the spelling of his name, Pi says “Personally I feel the whole ‘spelling thing’ just stifles creativity”. Great conversation to have with a bestselling author, right?! Later on there’s a scene where Pi tells Castle that he’s a fruitarian and that doesn’t help.
Rick’s dying to see Kate, but alas, she can’t make it back to New York for a planned weekend together. I got all warm and fuzzy when he impulsively flies to DC to see her anyway. Needless to say, after the initial shock (she pulls a gun on him) wears off, she’s REALLY happy to see him. Kate has to work, and Rick is so used to talking cases with her – so he asks her questions and she explains to him that classified means classified. She leaves behind a stray picture, and Rick just can’t resist – he decides to ‘help’ her. He draws in Ryan and Espo and they’re smart enough to figure out that it’s a real case – not something he’s investigating for use in his next book.
Castle gets in the way several times throughout the hour, and Kate gets a few dirty looks and threats from her new co-workers. It’s hard for anyone to be awfully angry with him when he makes a few connections they need, and then of course, when he’s put in mortal danger at the end of the episode.
We’re left with a halfway-solved case and Castle being infected by a chemical agent that leaves him with about a day to live. I’ve been waiting a month or so to find out how they’re going to cure him, but luckily – you guys have a much shorter wait. Watch Castle “Dreamworld” on ABC next Monday night at 10pm/9pm Central to see how the situation resolves.
- Engaged!
- Rick’s Doppleganger
- Alexis and Pi
- Kate Likes Red Wine
- Pi’s a Fruitarian
- Kate and Her New Partner
- Kate gives Rick the Bad News