Comic Con 2013: Five Panels We’re Excited About
It’s that time of year again – Comic Con! Several of the Nice Girls will descend upon San Diego this week to get the scoop on our favorite shows, and we’re super excited. Among the hundreds of panels being presented, here are the ones we’re most looking forward to seeing.
- Veronica Mars – Four out of five Nice Girls ranked the reunited VM cast panel as Can’t Miss.
- True Blood – Melissa and Mynda are psyched for this panel, marking the show’s sixth appearance at Comic Con.
- Arrow – Cay and Rueben are looking forward to getting scoop on the superhero’s second season at this panel.
- Revolution – Bethanne can’t make it this year, but she’s living vicariously through Cay at this panel and press room.
- The X-Files Reunion – Can you believe it’s been 20 years since this show debuted? Melissa is ready to bribe room monitors to get into the panel with Chris Carter, Gillian Anderson, and David Duchovny.
What are you ready to stand in line for 6 hours to get a seat for?