ABC Family
The more I hear about Ravenswood the more curious I become. Marlene King, creator of Pretty Little Liars and now Ravenswood, talked a little bit about forming this world that exists not so far away from Rosewood, but quite different than Rosewood.
Ravenswood is a town with a very murky past and a curse to boot. PLL’s Tyler Blackburn (Caleb) will be a link between the two shows. It’ll be nice to see a familiar face in a very unfamiliar environment. But why Caleb? “It’s been explored on the show that he doesn’t really know that much about his past and about his parents,” King explains. “Because of the nature of what Ravenswood will be, it felt like he was the best character to take us to that world and explore the mythology that we’re going to explore.”
Interestingly enough, it’s not Caleb who originally takes us to Ravenswood. “Toby (Keegan Allen) and Spencer (Troian Bellisario) will take us to Ravenswood,” she says. “They will follow a clue that will take them [to the new town].” Look for this to happen in Pretty Little Liars’ seventh episode of the new season.
King further explains that Ravenswood is clearly no Rosewood. “[It’ll be] very different and you’ll recognize how different it is right away,” King hints. “As soon as [Toby and Spencer] go there, they understand. Spencer in the episode calls it ‘Creepytown.’ ” She adds: “The people are different. It’s a unique city, Ravenswood.”
Ravenswood premieres right after the Halloween episode of Pretty Little Liars in October.