REVOLUTION: 3 Preview Clips from Exciting Season Finale
When we first heard the idea behind NBC’s Revolution the question was asked what would we do if suddenly all the power in the world went out forever. In tonight’s stunning season finale that question becomes what would happen if the power suddenly came back on after 15 years. Imagine what that would be like. Think of the kids born during the blackout. It would be the first time they would be seeing electricity of any kind at all. After all this time I think things might be just as chaotic as when the power went out in the beginning.
It’s all going to be pretty interesting to watch. What happens to the militia if the power comes back on? Will authoritative power change hands once again? It could end the world but I highly doubt it since Revolution will return for another season. 😉
We’ve got three preview clips from tonight’s season finale and I know that you won’t want to miss this episode. Eric Kripke promised a solution to a main story arc, but in true Kripke fashion we’ll also see the birth of a new, and I’m sure even more exciting arc for season 2.
Can Rachel restore the power?
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