
WAREHOUSE 13 Recap: Parks and Rehabilitation

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We start off Warehouse 13 this week with Pete speaking to the Regents on Artie’s behalf. “Warehouse 13 does not work without this man.” says Pete. The Regents see it Pete’s way, in fact they want to reinstate Artie as soon as possible with no punishment. Artie, who you would think would be grateful, is actually upset. He did kill Leena after all and he feels he should pay for that. The Regents think having to live with Leena dying by his hand is punishment enough.
warehouse-13Back at The Warehouse Pete and Myka want to talk to him about what happened but Artie doesn’t think that is a good idea. Pete thinks they just need to get back to work; something will come up for them to do. Next thing we see is a man running through the woods yelling, “They know! Oh God!” before dropping his cell phone and falling down an embankment. When he stands up whatever/whoever is chasing him opens a small earthquake fault that swallows him.

The next day Pete and Claudia are in the Cowan National Forest where crews are digging up the man who got sucked into the ground. Ranger Evan Smith pulls up prompting Pete to make a Yogi Bear reference and would you look at that, Ranger Smith is played by previous Nice Boy of the Week Patrick Flueger. He isn’t amused by Pete’s Yogi Bear reference. Not at all.

Claudia is a little ways away from Pete where she is dealing with being outdoors about as well as I do. “Why am I so delicious to you?” she quips to a mosquito. She does find a carved drawing on a tree and the victim’s cell phone. The victim is Linus Bentley, president of Qualcast Communications. Claudia does some digging into Linus Bentley to find out an activist group called Green First is upset with Qualcast’s plans for a new building. Something about it disrupting owl habitats.
Pete and Claudia get to Green First where Pete is surprised the activists aren’t wearing tie dye and singing “Age of Aquarius“.
Claudia: You know Vietnam is over, right?
Pete: For those of use who’ve watched the director’s cut of Platoon, it will never be over.
They find the person in charge and ask her a few questions. When they tell her the news of Bentley’s demise she gets all flustered and says she has to go make a few calls.
Thankfully Claudia was able to clone Bentley’ sim card and they have another lead to follow up on. Bentley made a call to a store called Fine Young Cannabis. They get there but as they look around the store it doesn’t look like anyone is there. Pete sees the message light blinking on the answering machine, that’s right, they have an answering machine, and pushes play. It is the call Bentley was making right before he died. Claudia and Pete look up to see a blue glow coming from the back room.
In the back room they find a body buried in dirt in the middle of the room along with a sheet with a drawing on it. It is the same drawing that was carved into the tree where Bentley died.

Pete recognizes the drawing from somewhere but he can’t quite remember where. He finally remembers a case he worked about 10 years ago for the Secret Service where a group of eco-terrorists used that same symbol. They burned a bunch of construction sites and logging camps all over the Northwest and then disappeared after one of their own was arrested. Pete figures they got their hands on an artifact and have reassembled so with the help of Ranger Smith they go check out their last known hideout.
Ranger Smith takes Pete and Claudia to the now burnt out cabin. He leaves them there though because he has to go break up a drum circle in the picnic meadow. I don’t know why exactly but typing that makes me giggle. After Ranger Smith leaves Pete finds, “In Wildness is the Preservation of the World” carved into a wall of the cabin. It is a quote by the same person Autumn, the head of Green First, quoted when Pete and Claudia talked to her.
They race to Autumn’s house where she is packing to flee. Pete and Claudia come in guns drawn, I don’t remember Pete carrying a real gun since he started at Warehouse 13, but I suppose I could be wrong. They find her hiding in a closet and when Pete opens the door he gets pepper-sprayed. Poor Pete. Autumn says she isn’t the killer; she was however a member of the eco-terrorist group along with Bentley and the owner of the cannabis store. Someone found out they were members back in the day and whoever it is is now killing them off one by one.
Autumn gets out a picture of the group for Claudia and Pete. Everyone but Autumn is now dead. She says what they did back in the day wasn’t right and when someone got hurt from their actions they quit, just walked away. Pete wants to talk about Lockhart Logging, their favorite target. He figures the owner of Lockhart, who just happens to be the person that was hurt by one of the group’s fires, is the one tracking them down and killing the remaining members. Pete has Claudia stay with Autumn while he goes to talk to Lockhart.Warehouse 13 - Season 4
Lockhart is just as angry now as he was ten years ago. He doesn’t seem to be the person causing the deaths though. In fact he shows Pete a picture of the day he testified against the one group member who the FBI did catch. He seems very pleased about having testified. In the picture you can see a scruffy, younger looking Ranger Smith.
Claudia is still with Autumn going over old pictures from Autumns misspent youth. Claudia opens up about her own issues, mainly her fight with her boss at work. They hear a crashing sound and find Ranger Smith in the kitchen holding a blue glowing lantern. Autumn says he is Ryan’s brother, the brother of the one guy from their group that got caught by the FBI. Ranger Smith uses the lantern to knock Claudia into a wall and grabs Autumn. Pete shows up just in time to pull his gun on Ranger Smith. Unfortunately Smith points the lantern at Pete and it buries him alive. Thankfully Claudia runs out in time to pull Pete out of his grave. They waste no time going after Ranger Smith and Autumn.
Pete and Claudia get to the Ranger office but Smith isn’t there. They go through his files to figure out where he took Autumn. They decide he is going to one of Lockhart’s logging camps. Lockhart however is too stubborn to shut down operations while Pete and Claudia figure out exactly what Smith is up to. Pete gets a vibe and looks up as the cliff over the camp starts to erode.
Up on the cliff Smith is so busy talking his angry rhetoric that he misses Pete and Claudia come up behind him. They manage to taze him but the lantern topples over the side of the cliff where it hangs precariously.
Pete dangles Claudia over the side of the cliff while Autumn anchors Pete. She manages to grab the lantern and they get it in a bag before it destroys the whole mountain side.
Autumn and Claudia watch as the cops take Smith away. Autumn says she should have been there for Smith’s brother after he was arrested and that is her one regret. You can see Claudia feels this is advice to use with her and Artie.

Back at The Warehouse Steve and Myka check on Artie who is trying to catalog artifacts. Artie has a piece of paper titled, “Leena’s List”. It is a list of things Leena did to keep certain artifacts in balance. Artie is trying to do them all now and even though Steve and Myka want to help Artie doesn’t want them around.
Later Steve and Myka find Artie in the Feng Shui room. I didn’t know The Warehouse had a Feng Shui room but I’m not sure why I’m surprised. The room actually reads the artifacts and figures out the overriding emotion behind their creation so they can be shelved correctly. Think Harry Potter and the hat that picks your House but fancier and with artifacts.
Unfortunately Artie doesn’t quite catalog an artifact he had in the Feng Shui room correctly. It is causing all sorts of havoc in the aisle he put it in. Artie, Steve and Myka head into the affected part of The Warehouse. They through in a special grenade that Claudia made to neutralize all the artifacts in that area. The purple dust/goo misses Da Vinci’s gargoyle though that is flying high above them. Steve gets dive bombed and his arm gets cut. They need a bolt of lightning to shut it down long enough to bag it.
Steve gets to play bait for the gargoyle while Myka uses a cross bow and some piano wire artifact to shoot the gargoyle out of the air. Thankfully it works but they still have to figure out how they miscataloged the artifact that started all of this.
Back in the Feng Shui room Artie, Steve and Myka have gotten five different classifications for the one artifact. Artie doesn’t understand, but Myka says the emotions that are displaying; sorrow, anger, remorse are maybe Artie’s emotions interfering with the Feng Shui room. Whoever catalogs the artifacts needs to be calm and centered, like Leena was. Artie doesn’t know how he is going to do all of this and Myka says he is going to do it with help from them.

That night at The Warehouse that Claudia finds Artie in the office. She walks up to him and hugs him. She goes to walk away when Artie says, “Thank you”. Claudia smiles and goes to find Pete, Myka and Steve.

Artie is left to watch Leena’s video swearing in of sorts to work at The Warehouse. It shows Leena basically saying she accepts the dangers that go along with this kind of work. Artie watches it with tears in his eyes.

Warehouse 13 airs Monday 9/8c on Syfy

Leah reads constantly, sing incessantly and watches TV what her Mother would consider an unhealthy amount. You can find her on twitter @IamPollyP or contact her via email at