BONES: The Party in the Pants
Cay would normally be doing this recap, but given the events of today in Boston, she was unable to watch it today. I’m back again to fill in for her.
The Body of the Week: a poor kid, lacking a drivers’ license, manages to lift a dead body out of a construction sight with a giant claw. His poor aunt got a back full of dead body and I don’t blame her for yelling.
Just as Booth wants to get Bones to investigate the body, his mother appears in his office. She seems nice enough, but if you were not there for your son for twenty-four years, I think it’ll take more than a nice hug and the news of being a grandmother to make you appear good. Though, Booth likes to see the good in so many, so of course he’s offered to let her stay at their home.
The Body of the Week turns out to be a stripper dressed for a night as a Firefighter. That’s not a body I ever expected to find on this show, that’s for sure.
Wendall, as our Squintern of the week, has one tough job ahead of him trying to piece together this poor stripper’s body. Found amongst the remains is a calf implant, and now the identification will be a bit easier.
Angela and Hodgins discover that if they can’t find the agency that hired out the stripper, they might be able to see if there are enough fingerprints on the bills to see who paid for his services that night.
Let me interrupt the focus on the case for a moment to say, ouch that Booth’s mom was abused by her husband. Also, when did Christine get so much blonde hair?
The stripper’s boss (for his other job as a stock-broker) is not aware of Spinler’s other job, but that plays a series of scenes that aren’t going to end well in my mind right now. More news from Sweets suggests that Jack has serious body issues (along with the news from Bones and Wendall about the remodelling of his bones for childhood obesity), but then one woman left an angry message on Spinler’s phone and Booth is off on another lead.
Jack’s now ex-girlfriend has planned to use his status as a stripper against him later if things turned out badly between he and her. His same ex also has some serious issues of her own that go back to her father and probably something else. Watching her explain all of that to Sweets is uncomfortable, but also hilarious.
At the playground with his mom, Booth’s mom reveals that she’s about to marry Reggie, her piano player, who also has a family all of his own. To Booth, that seems like she couldn’t handle being around he and Jared and his father not that she was incapable of being a mother.
Cam, Booth and Angela find a bit more detail about the woman who might have been with Jack – this time not based on the fingerprints from the money, but from some skin cells used when the person did a like of cocaine.
As Booth and Bones go to investigate Storm, they happen on a birthday party where Storm seems to be working, and all the women seem to think that Booth is another stripper.
In custody, Storm reveals that Jack has passed some jobs his way after Jack stole a few more clients, but that seems minor compared to the discussion of getting sex for free after a gig.
Booth’s mom comes back to talk to him and explain her behavior from the past, but Booth has one of those looks that says he’s not going to budge. Her happiness right now is not the same as the years of pain he suffered without her. Saying her peace finally, his mom leaves and wishes him the best.
Angela’s looking into Jack’s stock job and there’s something in the emails from his boss asking Jack to do better that aren’t settling right with me. Cam then comes in with the news that the DNA on Jack belongs to a twenty-four year old woman who has a boyfriend who was charged with battery.
Booth is having a hard time handling the situation with his mother and just as Bones is talking to him, she focuses on Jesus and the teachings of Catholicism about forgiveness.
My bad feeling about Jack’s stock work turned out to be true, as Jack’s boss wanted to engage in something called a “Pump and Dump” where a risky cheap stock is inflated for unsuspecting clients.
Jack’s boss is back in the office, and it turns out that some of Jack’s clients were officially listed as his boss’s in the name of “corporate hazing”. Jack’s boss says that Jack was having trouble trying to sell clients on the risky venture, and those potential clients include his now-ex-girlfriend.
Clearly her years of therapy have had their effects because she didn’t seem that guilty to me earlier. Guess I’m not a great judge of character this week.
Without evidence right now, there’s little work that Booth and Sweets can do in the case with Jack’s ex-girlfriend, unless the Squints find some evidence to support her guilt. Hodgins comes in with news of where the bed bugs came from, and that Jack was beaten with a toy plastic gun. Storm, it turns out, killed Jack after Storm’s $5,000 investment went up in flames with the “Pump and Dump”.
Clearly that was not the ending I had imagined when I started watching today, but that’s usually the case.
To end on a happy note, Booth managed to send flowers to her mother’s wedding and Christine, thanks to Booth’s mom, has his old Philly Phanatic to play with. Miracluously, Booth and Bones make it down to the wedding in time for Booth to meet his new step-siblings and Reggie.
Bones catches the bouquet at the end of the ceremony with a huge smile on Booth’s part. I wonder what that means in the long-run.