BONES Recap: Doomsday
BONES 8.19 The Doom in the Gloom
Case of the Week:
A female ex-Marine in her mid-30s is killed when the shed that she’s living in explodes in a fireball. Besides being burned beyond recognition and decapitated by the blast, they also find a gunshot wound that was likely fatal. The shed was full of ammunition, but only one gun was found, in the victim’s hand. Booth and Sweets interview another Marine that served with the victim but she denies killing her. An old injury on the victim’s femur suggests a cannonball injury (?!). Turns out the victim made her own cannonballs.
Booth and Sweets find out about a doomsday doctor named Dr. Apocalypse who has videos showing how to make your own ammunition. They search the man’s house and find out that he bought 10 acres of land plus a survival bunker. Booth and some FBI commandos head to the land and smoke Dr. Apocalypse and some of his survival group out of his bunker. He admits to knowing the victim and tells them that the cannon injury was an accident that he treated. His group is preparing for the collapse of the government. He also admits to sleeping with the victim and tells them that his wife knew.
They investigate the rest of the group – each member has their own role for the group. However, they all have an alibi for the time when the fire seems to have started as the bunker was sealed with a time lock. Daisy finds a puncture wound on the back on the victim’s collar bone and toxicology tests detect large amounts of a common sedative. Booth sifts through the evidence from the burned shed and realizes that there was a booby trap. The victim was drugged to buy time, and then activated a booby trap when she opened a door, while the murderer was safely locked away in the bunker with an airtight (literally) alibi.
They interview Dr. Apocalypse’s wife and find evidence of phosphorus (which started the fire) under her nails. She eventually admits to killing the victim. She drugged her and set the booby trap. The gunshots wounds were due to all the ammo that was stored in the shed and ignited when the explosion occurred.
Character Development:
Sweets finds a new apartment, but Booth and Brennan realize that they really like having Sweets live with them and secretly hope he won’t actually leave. His new roommates show up to help him move and they are two beautiful women (also psychologists). Booth, Brennan and Sweets have a slightly tearful goodbye as he leaves.
Sweets and Daisy acknowledge how very special each of them is, but do not take any further steps to rekindle their relationship…yet.
Memorable Quotes and Random Musings
Why does Cam always dress so nice? No forensic pathologist wears those kind of dresses to the office!
Plus, I get my tub back, and I won’t have to look at that stupid pomegranate juice in my refrigerator – Booth
You still haven’t tried it, have you? – Sweets
No, that’s shrink juice. Why don’t you gather all your new neighbors together and you can have a shrink juice party? – Booth
Wow, your dad is hot! – Sweets’ new roommate, referring to Booth
My Thoughts:
This week’s case might be the first victim that sustained three entirely different mortal wounds simultaneously. Also one of the first victims that we actually saw alive before death. Overall, an entertaining episode. I think I’ll miss Sweets living with Booth and Brennan as much as they will.
Watch BONES on Mondays at 8/7c on FOX!