GRIMM: Advanced Review of Winter Premiere, “Face Off’
I just finished watching the winter premiere of Grimm, titled Face Off. It’s been a very long wait but you can believe me when I say that it’s well worth it, Grimm fans.
This episode picks up exactly where we left off, with Monroe revealing to Nick who came into his shop with Juliette for the cure for the sexual pull between them. I really don’t want to give anything away because it’s really important that the fans experience this episode fresh on March 8th.
I will say that Sasha Roiz and Bitsie Tulloch are explosive. And David Giuntoli literally radiates raw emotion to a degree that you’ll feel everything he does, as he does. I wouldn’t want to look into whatever well it is that he pulled all this from.
The winter premiere kicks off what promises to be the crucial turning point in the show. Grimm has been leading viewers up to this point all along, but it will be interesting to see how much the show will change. Nick’s Grimm abilities seem to have reached the limit but who knows, we may yet see more from him as the rest of the season develops.
Relationships change, some dramatically. And there’s a twist at the end of the episode you will not see coming. It opens even more doors and there are more questions that arise. That is, after you’ve picked your jaw up off the floor.
Monroe and Rosalee offer comic relief exactly when needed. I can’t get enough of these two. An episode would not be complete without this couple in it.
Grimm returns Friday, March 8, at 9/8c, on NBC. Don’t miss it!