BONES Recap: Back in Time
BONES 8.17 : The Fact in the Fiction
Case of the Week:
An investment banker trying to get away from it all and work as a farmer runs over a decomposed body with his tractor while aerating a field. The head get lost and is later returned by Dr. Wells, a new squintern, who retrieves it from a coyote den 7 miles away. The victim is identified as Benji Garcia, a college student who worked for his brother at an auto body shop and drove a souped up vintage El Camino. Their father, a drug addict, left when both boys were young. Sweets and Booth interview the victim’s girlfriend, who was really jealous of the victim’s truck. She also tells them that he was doing experiments in time travel. Wells and Brennan determine that the cause of death was due to severe trauma to his chest and liver – potentially a large electrical charge – and there is post-mortem damage to his one shin.
They find the victim’s laptop which is full of equations related to time-travel. Sweets suggests that the victim wanted to go back in time to meet his dad. Angela and Hodgins find out that Benji was spending a lot of time logged onto the computer network of a college that he doesn’t even attend, logged on as a physics professor named Hunter. Professor Hunter was fired from the university two years earlier for electrocuting a student, but he was supposed to meet with Benji the day of his death. Booth and Brennan interview him and he denies killing Benji. They look in his lab and find a high powered battery.
Hodgins and Wells determine that his injuries did not come from an electric shock. Instead, his injuries may have been due to a shock wave from a bullet. Before his death, Benji stopped at several ATMs around the city, as if he was getting ready to leave town. They track dirt in his shoes to a strawberry farm quite a distance from where his body was found. They find his El Camino in a barn along with another body. The body is the same size and race as Benji with similar injuries, in addition to fractures on his knee, but he’s about 20 years older.
Wells suggests that the two victims may be the same person and that Benji was a time traveler. DNA shows that the second victim is Benji’s father, however. The Angelatron shows that the victims were lying on top of each other when they were shot. Sweets breaks the news to the brother, who didn’t realize that Benji was in contact with their dad. He and his mother had told his brother that his father was dead to spare him from knowing the truth.
Turns out the father’s old drug dealer works at the brother’s auto body shop. He claims that he retired from dealing heroin, but Booth finds a tactical baton, but it doesn’t fit the leg injuries on both victims, just the father. They go to visit the auto body shop and notice that the angle of the door on one of the cars fits the injuries on Benji’s leg that occurred after death. His brother found out that the father was back in town and needed money to pay off his debt to his dealer and that his brother was trying to help him. He was still mad at his father for leaving and didn’t want him to take Benji’s college money. He followed Benji to the barn and tried to kill his father but his brother got in the way. He used the car to move Benji’s body to the farm where it was found, accidentally slamming his leg in the car door as he did so.
Character Development:
Dr. Wells has a PhD in physics, and a masters in astronomy and wildlife ecology and nearly another in forensic ecology. He’s also passed the bar and he’s got more than a little self-confidence. Hodgins and Cam like him, Brennan doesn’t. It only gets worse when he starts psychoanalyzing her in a way that puts Sweets to shame. He tells her that she’s narrow minded, which really gets to her and she sets out to prove the opposite. In the end, she’s able to knock him down a peg or two but confides in Booth that he may be smarter than she is.
Booth wants to invest in asteroid mining, which Hodgins thinks is a great idea and Brennan thinks is idiotic. Brennan asks Wells, who also thinks it is a good idea so both Booth and Brennan invest in it (totally random!)
Memorable Quotes:
…to face a pack of wild animals alone… – Sweets
I’m sure you could just bore them to death with your shrinky talk – Booth
And I’m sure you could just break their hearts with your mean, mean words – Sweets
My knowledge is vast, which is why I’m here, so don’t try to cherry pick facts to win an argument – Wells
That’s what we’re here to find out, my brother from another mother! – Hodgins
Wherever I go, I’m always the smartest person and it causes problems – Wells
Well, maybe you should try being less of a douche! – Angela