
Colin Morgan Books Post-MERLIN Return to TV

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The final season of Merlin just began airing here in the U.S., but production on the series wrapped several months ago and finished airing in the UK last autumn. As sad as the Nice Girls are to see the show come to an end, we’ve been excited to find out what’s next for the stars, especially the amazing Colin Morgan. Now comes news from the BBC that Colin’s chosen his next role: starring in an episode of the new series Quirke.

Gabriel Byrne stars as the titular Quirke, the chief pathologist in the Dublin city morgue, in this series based on the novels by Irish author John Banville (writing as Benjamin Black). The short series (the first season is just three episodes, a la Sherlock) follows the investigations into the deaths of people who end up in Quirke’s morgue in Dublin in the 1950s.

Colin stars in the third episode, [easyazon-link asin=”B004IK9E4Q”]Elegy for April[/easyazon-link], based on the novel of the same name. Colin plays Jimmy Minor, a journalist and friend of April, a young doctor who’s gone missing. Jimmy is interested in finding April, and possibly getting a story for his newspaper.

Quirke doesn’t have a premiere date yet but I would expect it to air this summer in the UK.

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