CASTLE Recap: “Secret Santa”
Usually, Castle does a Halloween show. This year they chose to instead treat us to a heartwarming, funny, and charming Christmas episode. TPTB over at Castle are doing a fabulous job of breaking out of their usual formula and writing the Castle/Beckett relationship in a refreshing way.
The episode begins in a familiar way – opening on a joyful scene with festive music, only to reveal that there’s been a murder beside where children are making snow angels. And since this is a Christmas-themed episode, the body is Santa’s.
As the team arrive at the crime scene, Rick doesn’t hesitate to express his dismay at the demise of the man in the red suit. It’s only the first setback for the man who likes to live his life around his family and friends, celebrating closeness and enjoying the spirit of the season.
Shortly thereafter, he’s informed by Alexis and Martha that they’ll be busy on Christmas Eve – which is normally their night to open gifts. Castle, for all his whimsy, is a creature of habit – and the news that their holiday will be changing and evolving is a bit of a shock to his system.
However, he realizes that things in his life are evolving, and anticipating Beckett joining their celebration is comforting. Of course, continuing in the somewhat ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’-esque theme, she begs off – telling him that the precinct is short-staffed and she’s needed there instead.
He’s disappointed, but nobody knows better than he that Kate’s dedication to her job and the people of New York is more than important. Rick gracefully accepts that he’ll most likely be spending Christmas Eve alone – a sign of his recent life changes rearing their head. Or at least we’re led to believe he accepts the news gracefully… he sneakily bribes Captain Gates in order to get Kate off the hook only to find out that she volunteered to work.
Meanwhile, the team investigates the murder of the week by talking to a Santa trainer, discovering that their victim made a sudden switch from financier to Jolly old Saint Nick, and that he also may have been involved in the theft of a very pricey timepiece. The balance between the case and the main character’s stories is very good. I enjoyed following the clues while also seeing the mirroring storylines between Rick & Kate, Ryan & Espo, and Rick and his family.
We’re reminded again that the dynamic between *all* the characters has changed, not just because of Rick & Kate’s new status as a couple. We also see a little more of Captain Gates, as she talks about the terror that is a visit from her Mother-in-law.
We get a scene with Rick & Kate under some mistletoe that doesn’t quite turn out in the jolliest of ways, but by the end of the episode we get the warm fuzzies over family and friends coming together – and even some lovey-doveyness from our favorite crime-solving partners.
There are two new relationships alluded to, one spelled out and one hinted at just before the end credits. Alexis continues her growth by moving on to what sounds like her first real romance since Ashley in Season 3. And even as Espo talks to Lanie about picking up where they left off when they were together, he may have found another woman to spend time with.
My favorite scenes are a very touching interchange between Rick & Kate, where she explains what Christmas means to her; and the penultimate scene where the Castle clan comes together to make their patriarch happier than he thought he’d be this holiday.
Overall, I think their first effort at a ‘very special’ Christmas episode was successful, and I think most of the fans should be happy – not only with this episode – but Season 5 on the whole. The game has been stepped up, and the cast has risen to meet the challenge.
After this week, Castle takes a short break – and returns January 7th with an episode entitled “Significant Others”. The speculation is that it will herald the return of the ‘deep-fried twinkie’, and perhaps discussions about previous relationships.