THE VAMPIRE DIARIES: My Brother’s Keeper
Delena fans get ready because after we finally got what we wanted in this episode! Yay! Grab your fans because it was hot! Let’s get to it!
Stefan opens up to Caroline on the phone about his break up with Elena due to her feelings for Damon. She promises to try to talk some sense into Elena because Caroline is definitely on Team Stefan. As soon as he hung up the phone, Klaus put Stefan in a choke hold. He is not pleased about Stefan telling everyone about the vampire cure.
Stefan told Damon that he and Elena broke up, and Damon offered to have some brother time hanging with sorority girls. Stefan didn’t feel Damon was really concerned about his feelings and said “Let’s not pretend like this isn’t the best day of your life.”
It’s that time of year for the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant and Caroline is quite the organizer. She barks at people to make sure everything is just right. One person she barked at was guest star Olympic Gold Medalist Gabby Douglas. She had a nice cameo. Anyway, Caroline told Elena about her disapproval of her feelings for Damon. Meanwhile Jeremy and Matt unloaded kegs for the party (and Jeremy has a lot of new hunter strength). Matt was concerned about Jeremy’s new strength but he insisted he would be fine. They discussed how Matt is escorting Caroline (the reigning Miss Mystic Falls) and Jeremy is April’s date.
Stefan went to the hospital to find someone he could turn into a vampire for Jeremy to kill so his hunters mark can continue to grow. There just happened to be a convicted murderer that was a patient, so that was his victim.
Klaus showed up at the Lockwoods to cash in his date with Caroline. He wanted to escort her to the pageant. She agreed to go with him instead of Matt because it would help her convince Klaus she was over Tyler and it would keep him occupied while Tyler continued to help Hybrids break the sire bond.
At the Gilbert house, Jeremy was having disturbing dreams about strangling Elena with her necklace. When he woke up, he has a stake in his hand. This hunter’s mark is taking a toll on him. The next morning, Matt was concerned about Jeremy’s behavior and told him he needed to tell Elena what was going on or he would.
Elena told Damon that the reason she broke up with Stefan was because of him. Aw! Damon was surprised but went after Professor Shane to ask about a new hunter. He turned around at Elena and gave her that Damon smile we all love.
Stefan brought his victim “The Killer” into the Lockwood cellar. He gave him Jeremy’s blood to complete his transition. He then taunted Jeremy with the new vamp by holding him by chains and he could jump on Jeremy at any moment. Stefan egged Jeremy on to kill and he finally staked him. Stefan has no idea what he has done.
At the pageant, Klaus arrived looking flawless, and Tyler and Haley came together to keep up appearances. Matt realized Jeremy was MIA and he was supposed to be April’s escort. He told Elena all about Jeremy’s vamp killing dreams and of course Elena wanted to find him. Matt filled in as April’s escort. Caroline and Elena wondered where Jeremy was and Damon told them to relax, he probably took advantage of the open bar.
Damon called Stefan and found out that he was trying to get Jeremy to kill vampires so they could get the map, and the cure for Elena. Stefan begins to realize that he might have created a monster when Jeremy refuses to tell him how far his mark grew and he staked Stefan in the stomach. If you play with fire Stefan, you are going to get burned.
Klaus and Caroline took a walk and talked about what they would do if they found the cure. He teased her about her Miss Mystic Falls application and they laughed. Tyler saw the whole thing from a distance and was not happy about it. Damon noticed Hayley talking to Professor Shane so he called Tyler over to ask if they knew each other and Tyler said they just met that day. Ummm Hmmm.
Damon cornered Shane and threatened to kill him if he didn’t give him the name of another hunter. Shane told him he didn’t have a name but the map in the hunter’s mark leads to something that is sealed by a spell that only a certain witch can handle. What kind of witch do you ask? A Bennett witch. Shane knows that his information will keep him alive so he is safe for now. So Shane gets to live so he can help Bonnie.
April was crowned Miss Mystic Falls and the crowd cheered. Elena went after Jeremy who was trying to fight his urge to stake her. He lost the fight and he stabbed her in the neck. Matt got there and tried to level with Jeremy but Stefan swooped in to save the day.
Elena wanted to go find Jeremy but Stefan stopped her. He told her that he thinks when a hunter kills a vampire the urge gets stronger. You think? Elena told Stefan that if getting a cure meant stripping Jeremy of his humanity she wouldn’t do it. Stefan thought this was the only to “fix” Elena. She told him to let the old Elena go and this is who she is now.
Jeremy was home packing. He couldn’t live there with the urge to kill his sister. Matt told Jeremy that Elena was aware of that and asked him to move in to keep an eye on Jeremy. So where does Elena go to stay? Salvatore central because moving in with your newly ex-boyfriend and his brother you have the hots for seems like a perfect solution. Stefan told her to pick a room and he would stay somewhere else.
Brace yourself. Hayley is working with Professor Shane to break the hybrids’ sire bonds for some plan he has. Haley tells Shane that she wants to spare Tyler from this plan so it can’t be good.
Damon and Elena are in front of the fire and she said, “My brother wants to kill me,” and he replied “Welcome to the club.” She told him that she wanted to dance with him at the party so he stood up and took her hand.
At Caroline’s house, Stefan filled her in about his conversation with Elena and she made him promise he wouldn’t stop looking for the cure. Klaus wouldn’t let him even if he wanted to because he wants Elena to be human again so he can make more hybrids. Then it hit Caroline. Elena is sired to Damon. That is why she does everything he says, and agrees with his opinions. Wow!
As Caroline figured it out, Damon and Elena were finally getting it on! They had clothes ripping, furniture breaking vampire sex and it was super hot! A win for Delena fans (well that is if she chose to be with Damon and not because she is sired to him). We will have to see where this love triangle goes.
What did you think of this episode? What do you think Haley and Professor Shane are up to? Where is Bonnie? How do you think the Damon/Elena/Stefan love triangle will play out? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
The Vampire Diaries airs Thursday nights at 8/7c on the CW.