REVENGE Recap: Penance
Having made the connection between Amanda and Emily, Treadwell contacts Amanda to force a meeting. She rushes to Emily, who assures her if she just follows the script all will be fine. She tells Amanda to call Treadwell and threaten him with a restraining order if he doesn’t leave her alone. Emily has a plan for him.
When Amanda returns to the bar and finds Treadwell waiting there to have a word with Jack, she decides to take matters into her own hands. She tells him he’s right about her and Emily having a past together. She tells him Emily is obsessed with her, and she will give him the full story but they need to go to his place first as she doesn’t want anyone in the bar to overhear. Emily would be very angry with her if she knew she told.
Kara thinks she should leave town. It’s probably for the best, since she’s been off her meds since White Hair disappeared, and her grasp on reality is really being tasked by being in such close proximity to the Grayson’s. She books a flight to Colorado. Emily is relieved, she wants her mother out of the danger zone, and she will know where to find her when it’s all over.
Conrad squirms, wondering what price he will pay for accepting help from The Initiative again, unaware Daniel is the one he needs to keep an eye on. Daniel is conspiring with Aiden, unaware that Aiden is also conspiring with Emily. The plan is for Daniel to use Conrad’s current unfortunate situation as an opportunity for Daniel to unseat him as the head of the company.
Kenny, Jack’s new bar partner, has a brother, Nate. Nate might even be smarmier than Kenny. Nate reminds his brother of their plans for the waterfront, without really revealing those plans to the audience, but it certainly sounds like the two are up to no good. Kenny tells Nate that Jack and Declan are good guys, not like their dad, but Nate doesn’t seem to care what kind of people they are as long as the plan is carried out.
Aiden uses Nolan’s bond with Emily to coerce him into giving up proof that David invested in his company. Nolan stands to lose everything, but wants to keep Emily safe. He threatens Aiden if he hurts Emily again. Nolan then goes to Emily and tells her what happened. She immediately wants to call Aiden and stop him, but Nolan tells her it’s too late. He gave the proof up willingly to protect the only thing resembling family he’s ever had. Since they are sharing a bonding moment, Emily needs Nolan’s help with a plan again…it feels just like old times. She can’t hang around and catch up with her old friend, though, because Jack calls looking for Amanda. She met with Mason Treadwell and hasn’t returned yet. Emily is smart enough to know that can’t be good, and speeds off to find them.
Emily arrives at Mason’s house just in time to stop Amanda from bashing his head in with a tire iron. That Amanda, what a fun girl! Amanda insists to Emily they don’t have a choice, but Emily sends her away while she deals with Treadwell. She tells Mason he was so very close to the truth, but he missed what has been under his nose the entire time…Emily is the real Amanda Clarke. She tells him he was the only person she trusted after her father was arrested, and reminds him of the choices he made. He wants to make it up to her, so she puts him to the test. When she learns that Kara missed her flight and is still in town, she sends Mason to talk to her about Gordon. He gives Kara Gordon’s watch, and tells her that Gordon wanted her to get as far away from these people as possible. Of course, Treadwell goes off the script as well, Emily is working with amateurs. He tells Kara about the Grayson’s role in destroying David. Before he can finish the story, Kara is on her way to find the Grayson’s.
Daniel works a room full of stockholders, and announces to them that he has proof Grayson owns a major share of NolCorp, a detail that eluded his father for the past twenty years. While Daniel is raking up votes, Conrad is elsewhere in the mansion oblivious to his son’s betrayal. He’s busy facing down the business end of Kara’s gun. She holds he and Victoria at gunpoint, while they try to explain their side of the story, how taking David down wasn‘t their idea and they were just pawns. She’s unsympathetic. Lucky for the Grayson’s, Emily is on the job, and she‘s good at what she does. She and Aiden figure out where Kara is holding them. When Kara has Conrad and Victoria turn around and blindfold themselves, it appears she may be planning to shoot them. Before we can find out if that was her intention, Aiden grabs her from behind and drags her away. She awakens in Emily’s car, Emily and Aiden tell her that Aiden is an agent and he pulled her out of the house. He won’t arrest her, but she has to promise to stay away, for her safety and Amanda’s. She buys the story and agrees to go. After she leaves Emily tells Aiden that she has one more loose end she has to take care of.
Nolan has been doing Emily’s bidding elsewhere in town. He goes to Mason’s place, and after removing some key pieces of incriminating evidence from his story board, tips off the police about Treadwell’s “role” in the murder of Gordon and in conspiring to frame Conrad. Treadwell has been set up. Emily visits him in jail and tells him exactly what he’s going to do. He’s going to confess to his role in the downing of the plane, and go to prison just like her father did. If he cooperates she will help free him one day when she feels the time is right, and he can write the book telling her story….the book he was destined to write. Treadwell tells her they have a deal.
Revenge airs Sunday’s at 9/8c on ABC.