ELEMENTARY Recap: Rat Race
The episode starts with a missing Sherlock and Watson frantically searching for him. Well maybe not frantically but she does seem worried. She is checking with The Captain, but he hasn’t seen Sherlock. In order to find Sherlock, Watson breaks one of the rules and tells The Captain that she is actually a sober coach. She is worried Sherlock has relapsed.
Holmes is in fact handcuffed and tied up in the back of a car.
When we get back from commercial the episode goes back two days. Watson is having lunch with a friend, who surprises her by making the lunch a blind date. She introduces Watson to Aaron and then actually leaves them there to have coffee together. I’m pretty sure this woman would be an ex-friend of mine after a stunt like that even if Aaron does have pretty eyes.
Her ambush date is interrupted by Holmes. He needs her; she needs to get home now. She of course does show up because it’s her job and is told they have a meeting at an investment firm, post haste. No one really said post haste but for whatever reason I feel it is something Holmes would say. I’m rambling.
This should be fun since Sherlock loathes bankers.
At Canon Ebersole Holmes and Watson are in a conference room, where the Chief Investment Officer, Jim is addressing them. Peter, the companies COO is missing and they want to hire Holmes to find him. Holmes agrees as long as they agree to pay him his normal fee times 12. He puts on a demonstration of his skills just to show them he is worth it and I think to rub it in a little that he is smarter than them.
Watson and Holmes search Peter’s office. He finds a book of women, high class hookers to be exact and finds corresponding meetings in his computer. They make a reservation at one of the most exclusive restaurants for lunch, because the investment firm is paying for it and Holmes likes to spend their money. The irony is Holmes Dad is pretty wealthy, right? Maybe that’s not irony but to be so against wealth when you’ve always had it is something I guess I don’t understand completely.
They are at the restaurant to meet the accountant Peter uses to hide his bills for his hookers. At first reluctant to help Holmes, as is everyone that meets him, he gets over it and says he helped Peter set up a slush fund. The accountant says Peter has an apartment in Tribeca for “liaisons”. They go to check it out and find Peter dead of an apparent drug overdose.
The cops get there and Watson is worried about Holmes. He or course doesn’t want to talk about it. What he does want to talk about is the fact that this wasn’t an accidental overdose. The detective feels the need to argue with Holmes, because it is his job but still, how can he not know who Holmes is by now. The man isn’t wrong…ever.
In the precinct they are notifying Peter’s wife. She comments that the last guy who had the job of COO at Cannon died last year when a restaurant put peanut oil in his lunch by mistake. Holmes latches on to that tidbit.
That night Sherlock is going over the case, he is looking into the death of the last COO and even though Watson is still worried about him she agrees to go on her dinner date with Aaron. The date seems to be going well, so well Aaron asks her out again. He looks a little pained but maybe that is just his face. Watson gets home to find Holmes posting up pictures of all of the people at Cannon who had died over the last ten years.
Oh and side note Sherlock looks up her date and finds out he is married. That’s not so great.
The next morning Holmes calls a meeting of the board at Cannon to lay out his, “your employees are being murdered” power point presentation. They don’t seem as worried as I would like them to be.
Jim from Cannon comes by Holmes’s apartment to confront him about the earlier meeting. Holmes goes over the list of people who could be the murderer. His method for deduction this time is to bounce a ball very loudly over and over and over. Watson decides to take up married Aaron on his offer of coffee and an explanation.
At coffee Aaron says he does legal aide work and a few years back he married a woman to keep her in the country since she would have been killed if she had gone back to Kosovo. So that is okay then, I guess.
Back at Cannon Holmes runs into Donna, Jim’s secretary, as she is leaving. She has been his secretary for years. Holmes accuses her of killing those other employees to further her career as well as Jim’s. She takes Holmes by surprise and tases him.
When he comes to he is in the back of her car cuffed and tied up being driven to the country. While she is talking about how she is going to kill him Holmes is picking the lock of his handcuffs with a binder clip. It’s impressive to me when people can do that.
And we are back to where we started…Watson is telling The Captain her story while Holmes is refusing to dig his own grave. Holmes gets her to talk until the cops show up.
The next morning Holmes is going about thanking Watson for saving his life in a roundabout way.
She admits she had to explain some things to The Captain when she couldn’t find him so Holmes goes by the police station to have “the talk”. The Captain says he already knew but he didn’t want to bring it up until Holmes was ready to talk about it. They agree to keep it between themselves.
At the end of the episode Holmes is practicing picking handcuff locks and Watson is getting ready for a run. They have a nice little chat.
Elementary airs 10/9c on CBS