Mad Men Season 5 DVD Review
October 16 marks the return of Mad Men to Blu-Ray and DVD.
After an extended time away from televisions, season five of AMC’s award winning drama about the lives of ad executives in the 1960s brought the team at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce into 1966 and into a world where the ever-changing society in New York had a clear effect on the members of the office.
Joan Harris, the office’s lead administrator, was forced to deal with her husband’s commitment to the Army over herself and their newborn baby. Beyond the looming devastation of Vietnam, Mad Men took a more serious look at race relations, by finally bringing an African-American into the office.
But at the heart of this season of the show, the women truly shined as changing examples of what it means to be a woman and how that affects their day to day lives. Megan, Don’s newest wife, struggles with what brings her the most joy each day: working as an ad woman or acting. Peggy takes control over the changing attitudes towards her work and makes a break with those who have nurtured her throughout. Joan shows just how strong she is while dealing with her husband’s choices and her responsibilities in the office.
The men are also challenged to find their way in an ever changing society. Pete discovers that life in Suburbia isn’t all he imaged and looks elsewhere for comfort. Lane falls deeper and deeper into financial trouble. Roger sees that there is more to life than just the money to be made from his job while also struggling to stay relevant in the company. Lastly, Don, at the heart of the show, comes back from being lost in a “love haze” to reclaim the spark of what made him such a great Ad Man.
The Blu-Ray or DVD features all thirteen episodes of the season, each with two audio commentaries by cast and the creative team (writers, directors usually, but one commentary also features the composer and costume designer). In addition to the episodes, there are a few featurettes that highlight the changing world of the show, including a brief explanation on how and Daylight Saving was finally brought back, a series of Newsweek covers from 1966, a look at a proto-Surrealist artist’s influence on the cover of the DVD, and a look at the more bizarre quotes from characters on the show. Additional featurettes also focus on the show’s score and Truman Capote’s infamous Masquerade Ball.
Mad Men season five is available as a four-disc set, priced at $49.99 for the Blu-Ray and $49.98 for DVD.
Mad Men will return to AMC in 2013 for its sixth season.