HART OF DIXIE Recap: Always On My Mind

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So Wade and Zoe are still landing in bed. I don’t blame her, but she swears it is never happening again. Apparently she has said that every day and even though today she added an extra “never” she can’t quite gets completely dressed before ending up back in bed.
She finally leaves Wade’s place, sans pants, to find Rose at her door. That’s not awkward at all. How is it Zoe looks good in a miss-buttoned shirt, no pants and heels…oh never mind I know, she’s just too freaking cute to look bad in anything.

Lavon runs into Ruby at the local coffee shop, she still makes him nervous. Looks like Zoe though has finally found a girlfriend since they watched Kate Hudson movies last night, something Lavon won’t do with her. When Ruby leaves Lavon tells Zoe he is sure Ruby is up to something.

Lemon is not working out as a waitress. She won’t bus her own tables because she refuses to touch half chewed food, she tells people to take their elbows off the table and she made a man take his hat off at the table because it wasn’t polite. Oh and she never delivers the correct food to anyone. She may want to take up her Dad’s offer of being his receptionist.
The owner of the Rammer Jammer wants Wade to fire her but he is scared of her and says he isn’t going to do it.

Zoe runs into George who is getting ready to go fishing. Their exchange is a little awkward and by awkward I mean George isn’t happy with Zoe and her not picking him. He isn’t giving up on them being together though. Which is sweet but Zoe is not sweet right now, she is screwing Wade in secret and that makes her not such a good person. I don’t blame the woman; we’ve had the Wade shirtless talk, yes? But still George is the guy you marry and Wade is the guy you mess with because you just can’t help yourself. For a smart woman, a doctor, who chooses to stay in the small town and live the small town life you would think she would have picked George.
Stepping off my soap box…

Zoe is confiding something about being a bad person to Lavon. Enter Wade who is all grins and sarcasm. Despite Zoe’s assentation to the contrary Wade bets Zoe $100.00 she can’t go 48 hours without finding him for sex. I wish her the best of luck.

Ruby is stirring up trouble in town, a friend of hers is the editor of Southern Living and the magazine has dropped Bluebell as one of its Top 100 Southern Towns. I can see this spiraling not in Lavon’s favor. In fact Ruby’s Grandpa says he is going to run against Lavon for the Mayor. He isn’t really going to but Lavon is slightly offended.

At The Rammer Jammer George shows up for breakfast where Lemon is waitressing. He seems pretty nervous to see her. I wouldn’t want her serving me breakfast either after leaving her at the altar.

Lavon is in the kitchen cooking and stewing (get it stewing – yeah I find myself amusing) over Ruby and her evil plot. The one he is sure she is working on in an attempt to get back at him for leaving her in high school.
Zoe is there eating bag after bag of marshmallows. Not having sex with Wade for 24 hours is likely to give you withdrawals and she says its marshmallows or cigarettes.
Rose bursts in looking for Zoe; she is going to throw a Bluebell-a-palooza. She needs Zoe’s help to get some of the bands on her list. Actually she needs Zoe’s Mom who has connections to help. This will turn out well, I’m sure.
Zoe’s Mom doesn’t come through which ends up setting up a situation with Zoe and Wade driving to Mobile together.
Wade is at The Rammer Jammer asking George how he is doing with his new found freedom. George is doing a lot of fishing. Wade wants George to get out there and he’ll help him.
Above Wade and Zoe situation causes George to have to go out by himself. Before Wade can go with Zoe though Wade gives him some advice about picking up a woman in a bar. Again, this should end well.

The car ride is quiet and tension filled. They have to drive to Mobile to get a lady Wade used to sleep with to perform at Rose’s palooza. Well it’s quite and tension filled until Zoe picks up Rose to go with them. She is not giving into Wade so easily.

Lemon is at the Rammer Jammer on her night off to offer to pick up a shift. Instead of getting an extra shift she gets fired, or at least Wally tries to fire her. She goes as far as to pay him to let her work tonight so she can show her Dad she is going to make it on her own.
Meanwhile George is there at the Rammer Jammer trying to hit on a woman at the bar. It is not going very well. I mean he’s cute and charming in a sweet way so hopefully it will all come together.
He calls Wade while he and Zoe are still driving, Zoe is mad that Wade is pushing him into this. I’m pretty sure this is what she wanted. Wade calls her on the very same thing. She says she is fine but she doesn’t look okay.

Back at the bar George asks his girl from the bar to dance when he sees Lemon. He freaks out a little…not as much as Lemon though who serves the wrong food to her Dad and Emily. Emily is allergic to seafood and doesn’t have her epi pen. Emily is quite calm about it, calmer then I would be. Thankfully Brick is a doctor and takes her back to his office.
George unfortunately sees Lemon sitting alone in the corner and leaves his bar girl on the dance floor to check on her. He gives her a pep talk and cheers her up, even though she still hates him. Lemon messes up the one night stand further by guilting George into bussing tables for her.

Zoe, Wade and Rose get to the musician, Lilly Ann’s house. She is pretty bitter about Wade still. Her band is on hiatus though, causing Rose to suggest she play with her old band. (That would be Wade).
In an attempt to make Zoe a little jealous and I assume get back at her for being annoyed that George might get out there and sleep with someone he decides to apologize to Lilly Ann and get the band back together. We are talking about a down on the knees apology; it’s quite effective, so effective Lilly Ann invites herself over to Wade’s after the gig tomorrow. Zoe…not so happy.

The next morning Lavon is in the kitchen where Zoe is so excited to tell him she didn’t have sex with Wade yet. She gets him to tell her about his evening with Ruby. Lavon says they talked and he seems pretty pleased about it. Zoe says he still has feelings for Ruby, he doesn’t deny it.

At Rose’s Palooza Lemon’s little sister is rocking out on the stage, with a really great voice. It looks like this event is a success. Zoe sees Lilly Ann and Wade and makes a wistful face. She did bring this on herself.
Lilly Ann is a hypochondriac though so when Zoe tells her the numbness she feels in her finger could possibly remotely be nerve damage Lilly Ann freaks out and leaves. Wade accuses Zoe of doing that on purpose, she doesn’t want him having sex with Lilly Ann and she doesn’t want George having sex with anyone. He even gives her the money for the bet that isn’t over until the end of the day. He is not happy with her.

Zoe’s biggest problem is finding someone to replace Lilly Ann as the headliner for Palooza. George is her savior. She talks him into singing with Wade’s band. He’s a little nervous to start but he gets into it and really does a great job. So good in fact a number of women take notice of him.
Seeing this causes Zoe to need more marshmallows or in this case cotton candy. Poor Zoe.

Ruby finds Lavon at the palooza to tell him he is running against him for mayor. He doesn’t take her seriously at first, but she is very serious. Oh he isn’t happy about this at all.

Hart of Dixie airs Tuesday 8/7c on CW

Leah reads constantly, sing incessantly and watches TV what her Mother would consider an unhealthy amount. You can find her on twitter @IamPollyP or contact her via email at