PERSON OF INTEREST: The Cast Preview Season 2 {VIDEO}
As many of you guys know, I’m a HUGE Person of Interest fan and have been recapping the episodes for NGTV. I can’t tell you how excited I was to get to interview the stars and showrunners in the press room at San Diego Comic-Con 2012! There was also a panel, which I couldn’t get into, but you can see a recap and some pictures here.
**Mild Spoiler Alert**
It was interesting that Michael Emerson (Harold Finch) and Jim Caviezel (John Reese) were so similar to their PoI characters, at least during the visit to our table. Emerson was talkative, articulate, and a bit evasive while Caviezel was definitely the strong, silent type. We learned that Emerson is from Iowa and he’s glad to be on a show that his parents actually like to watch (I guess they weren’t LOST fans?). Both shared with us a bit of scoop about how Reese will find the kidnapped Finch next season.
Appropriately, we got to speak to Kevin Chapman (Detective Lionel Fusco) and Taraji Henson (Detective Joss Carter) together (the duo was described as “good cop/grey cop” at the panel) as their characters so often find themselves as partners. We talked about Carter as the moral compass for Finch and Reese and the growth of Fusco over the season from a reluctant participant to some degree of redemption.
The series’ creator, Jonah Nolan, was delightful and indulged us a bit of scoop for season 2 along with some background on how the idea for the show came from spending his formulative years in the UK, surrounded by surveillance cameras. He also discussed the differences between working in TV and movies (he’s co-written all [easyazon-link asin=”B001GZ6QDS”]The Dark Knight movies[/easyazon-link] with his brother, Christopher).
Producer Greg Plageman also enlightened us a bit into what’s to come. Root (Amy Acker) will of course, be back and the the first thing we’ll find out is what happened to Finch and Root. Finch’s abduction “will not be easily resolved”, he hints, and I’m not the only one who thought the last scene of the finale was reminiscent of [easyazon-link asin=”B000HEBCZQ”]2001: A Space Odyssey[/easyazon-link].
Person of Interest returns to CBS tonight, September 27, at 10/9c.