Nice Boys
Nice Boy of the Week: Eric Balfour
Our Nice Boy this week is Eric Balfour. I probably could write a nice well thought out piece about everything he is involved in, the man is an actor, a musician and an advocate for such causes as SeaShepherd.org or I could just geek out. I think I’ll just geek out. Eric has been in some of my favorite shows; from dying in the pilot episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer to his death on 24. I’m not morbid I swear, the man just seems to do a good death scene.
On a more uplifting note Eric has done some great music too. His band Fredalba has a song “Gimme More” for instance that makes me do a little happy dance whenever I hear it and if you watch the video (linked above) you can see that he is also an avid surfer.
I had the chance to meet Eric and by meet Eric I mean I dragged fellow NiceGirl Melissa to the Haven party at Comic Con and hovered around the entrance until he showed up so I could get a picture with him.
He was definitely a Nice Boy taking pictures with super fan after super fan until he set up camp in the DJ booth to spin 80’s rock.
He can currently be seen on the Syfy show Haven as Duke Crocker, the town bad boy who in the end tries to do the right thing. Check out the show, it’s a great take on Stephen Kings Colorado Kid.