
ALPHAS Recap: Falling

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Alphas starts with some teens taking a drug before jumping off the 21st floor of a building.  They fall all the way down, hit the ground really hard and then all just jump up like nothing happen.  So that’s bad.

Meanwhile Rosen is at Clay’s house where Clay is making breakfast for his family.  Rosen is asking him how the search for Parrish’s inside source is going.  Clay has a lead, he says maybe three or four days and they will have the leak.  Rosen looks worried, since he now knows it is Danni that is the mole.  Clay makes a very strong statement about locking up the mole for good.

At the office John and Bill are showing Rosen the tape of the kids jumping off of the roof, it has hit the net and they need to find out what is going on.  Rosen is distracted. He tells Bill to take the reins on this one.

Kat (Yay Kat is in this episode) brings Gary a plant for his man cave.  He is worried it has bugs and thinks Bill should call an exterminator.  Bill tells them to knock it off and focus.

Kat: Focus is my middle name.

Gary: No, you can’t know that for sure.

Their banter cracks me up.  Bill, not so amused.  He keeps talking, wants Gary to pull faces off of the video of the drug taking teens.  Kat wants to know how she can help but Bill tells her to call an exterminator and get the bugs she brought into the office out.

Nina, John and Rachel are in the kitchen.  Looks like John is going to meet the parents because Rachel is spewing all of these things he should or shouldn’t do at her parents’ house.

Rachel: Oh and don’t compliment anything in the house, like a painting or a lamp, because they’ll insist you take it home with you and then afterwards they complain about it like you’re the boy who stole the lamp.

John: *laughing*

Rachel: I’m serious.

John: Oh I know, it’s just you are cute when you worry.

Nina waits for John to leave the kitchen and tells Rachel to breath.  Rachel is worried because John is the blondest boy she has ever seen…her parents are going to rip him to shreds.

Rosen is in his office watching videos of his daughter when she was little.  Gary walks past and Rosen asks him to do a task for him.  Rosen tells Gary he can’t tell anyone what he needs done.

Next we are at the airport and Hicks is picking up his son and he brought Danni with him.  If you are a single parent you get how serious it is that he is introducing his son to his girlfriend.  Hicks is so excited to see his son but his son is not so excited that Danni is there.  Danni is trying to make it less awkward by bonding over skateboarding.  As they are leaving the airport Hicks son throws his can away.  It is a perfect banked off the wall shot made while not really looking and walking.  Hicks notices and does a double take.  Does his son have his Alpha ability?

In the office Gary is hollering for Bill.  He wants Kat arrested for being a criminal. On the invincibility drug ring leader’s Facebook page there is a picture of Kat.  The picture was taken a year ago.  Gary says she is one of them.  Gary found more videos of the drug being used.  It’s called Jump.  Kat looks at the picture, she can’t remember back that far but she says it looks like he is going to throw a party, she should go.  Bill is not sure that is a good idea.  Gary thinks it is even worse, mainly because Gary is his partner and she isn’t even a federal agent.  Kat is pretty insistent though and the next scene reveals she got her way as she shows up to the party.  Lots of people dancing and drinking, it’s like a dressed up tame rave.  Bill and Gary are out in the car and by car I mean that ridiculous minivan they drive.

The Ringleader sees Kat and calls out to her.  He knows her “mental TiVo” has erased him but he’s glad to see her.  He leans in and kisses her to “remind” her who he was.  I can think of a few people I would readily agree to forget if they agreed kissing me like that would jog my memory.

There is a teen at the party clearly on Jump because he is getting hit with a baseball bat and not even really flinching.  Everyone thinks it is cool.

The Ringleader puts some of the Jump on his tongue and kisses Kat again.  He grabs Kats hand and takes her to the roof where he proceeds to jump off with her.  They hit the ground hard and jump up like nothing happened before they run off hand in hand.

In the office Rachel is giving John more tips about dealing with her family.  John tells her, in what my untrained ears is going to consider is perfect Farsi, “Relax. I give good parent.”  She can’t believe he speaks Farsi.  He reminds her he spent six years in the Middle East.

They might have said more but Kat and Bill come in the office with Bill giving Kat a pretty loud lecture about how jumping off the roof is not a good idea when under cover.  She says that doesn’t sound like a real rule.  Bill is pretty annoyed with her but she says she has a sample of the drug in her blood.  She got a sample and found out her favorite color is green.  She is pretty pleased.

Gary brings Rosen a file marked Top Secret, which he made himself with the label maker.  Gary cracked Stanton Parrish’s encrypted phone log.  The one Clay and the NSA are working on.

Hicks and Danni are at Hick’s place talking in the kitchen while Hick’s son is playing video games in the living room.  Hicks wants to know if Danni saw how his son threw the can away at the airport.  Hicks seems worried but Danni says it will be fine.  Hicks says he loves Danni and she says she loves him too and then because it is the theme of the show or something they start kissing.

Rachel is looking at a sample of Kat’s blood.  The drug makes what would be like a Kevlar shield over the skin at a molecular level.  Kat thinks being indestructible would be cool.  Nina interjects with an autopsy report she has.  One of the guys that jumped from the original video has died.  His heart solidified.  Gary has found eight cases of that in the last three weeks.  Bill wants Kat checked out to make sure she is okay and he wants the drug off the streets.

Rosen is waiting for Danni at her apartment.  He says he just wants to see her, it’s been awhile, she invites him up.  They have a chat and while Danni is getting him tea Rosen goes through her purse and takes her phone.  He is looking through her call log for any of the numbers on the Stanton Parrish list.  He finds a second phones and one of the numbers is a “Stanton” number.  Rosen looks really upset.  I don’t think he wanted to believe it until then.  He leaves Danni’s apartment very sad and disillusioned.

Rosen goes back to the office and ends up sharing an elevator with Clay.  Clay thinks he is quiet because he is worried they won’t find the leak.  Clay assures him he is on it.

Nina is asking Rachel about the dinner tonight.  Rachel says John speaks Farsi and Nina thinks that is a good thing.  Right?  Apparently not because Rachel cancelled dinner.  She is worried her parents might actually like him.  Nina reminds her that is a good thing.  Then she has a hot boyfriend, a real relationship.  Rachel is worried she isn’t ready.  The last time she had a real boyfriend was three years ago.  Nina reminds her John isn’t that guy.  Nina gives the best pep talk ever which is nice of her.  She might even have gotten Rachel to listen.

Kat and The Ringleader, as I will be calling him for the rest of the episode, are eating ice cream on a roof somewhere.  He is telling her what her favorite flavor is.  She tries the ice cream and she loves it.  She wants to know what he is doing tonight.  He brags that he has the New York franchise on Jump and then he gives her a pocket knife that was hers.  He says the first day they met she was hustling people with that game from Aliens where you stab the knife between your fingers really fast.  He thought she was bad ass and she thought he was handsome.  There are initials on the knife but he doesn’t know who they are for.

In the office Bill says he has to arrest The Ringleader.  Kat doesn’t want him too.  Bill tells her he will have an arrest warrant in an hour and to let him do his job.

At the park Hicks and his son are playing baseball.  His son is frustrated though because he says he sucks.  He wants to go home and not Hick’s house, back to his home with his Mom.  Hicks looks devastated.

It’s a nice tie in to what is going on with Danni and her Dad.

Kat is taking the keys to one of the government cars; I’m hoping it’s not that broken down minivan they keep driving.  Gary catches her and does some chastising.  She reverse psychologies him into helping her and off they go.

Rosen is in a diner waiting for Nina.  He asks her for a favor.  He needs a passport under a false name and then gives her Danni’s passport picture.  Rosen is explaining to Nina what is going on.  He wants Danni to be able to get away from Stanton and Clay.  He can’t let Danni go to Alpha jail.  Rosen can’t let that happen.

Danni gets to Hicks’s apartment where his son is packing and Hicks is apologizing for anything he might have said or done.  Danni asks Tyler to talk to her.  She sits down next to Tyler and asks if he has heard of Alphas.  He says he supposes so.  She tells him she is an Alpha.  She takes Tyler’s hand and then Hicks hand and closes her eyes.  She shows Hicks how he made Tyler feel today and then shows Tyler how Hicks feels about him.  Hicks apologizes amid tears and Tyler says he thought he was disappointed but what he feels is love.  They hug and it’s okay.

Kat shows up at The Ringleaders place.  She tells him to grab his stuff they have to go.  He can’t believe she was working with the government.  He goes to pack some things and Kat sees a partly open door.  It’s a lab where Ringleader is making the drugs from the blood of a willing Alpha.  Kat disconnects the Alpha girl from the machines and says she is getting her out of there.  Unfortunately The Ringleader was waiting for Kat at the top of the stairs.  He hits her in the face with the butt of his gun knocking Kat to the floor.  He leans over her and says she was always such a girl scout, getting mad and leaving buy he would just find her again after she forgot and use her until she got upset again.  He grabs his drugs and his Alpha and takes off saying he will see Kat again in a few months when she doesn’t remember.

Gary finds Kat still dazed on the ground.  He tells her to get up and he called the cops but The Ringleader is getting away.  She takes a hit of Jump that was left on the table and runs outside, jumping off of the roof onto Ringleaders car.  She proceeds to pull him out of his car through the window and beats him until he is pretty much unconscious.

Hicks and Danni are dropping Tyler back off at the airport.  Dannie gets a text telling her to meet in Riverside Park.

At the office Kat, looking pretty beat up, is mad she got played.  She says she is the perfect mark since she won’t remember soon what happened.  Bill is a good guy; he wipes her tears away and Kat gives him a big hug.  Bill gives her an application for Quantico.  She is going to train to be an agent.

At the park Danni is sitting on a bench.  She is surprised to see Rosen when he shows up.  Rosen says Parrish isn’t coming, he sent the message.  She is mad and says he doesn’t know Parrish and he doesn’t know her.  She doesn’t want Rosen’s help.  John and a number of Clay’s agents show up and pull their guns.  John has Danni lay on the ground and put her hands on her head.  He takes her into custody.

Alphas ends in the office with Hicks not too happy with Rosen.  He has Rosen slammed up against a wall and is yelling that she is his child, he should have protected her.  He walks away before doing too much damage.  The rest of the team is talking in another room.  They can’t believe it was Danni.

Rosen goes into Danni’s interrogation room, she is crying.  She says this is a relief.  She wants to go to Building 7 with a chip in her head.  She wants to forget.  Rosen says that will not happen.  He says there is a way out if she will just listen.

Alphas airs Monday 8/7c on Syfy

Leah reads constantly, sing incessantly and watches TV what her Mother would consider an unhealthy amount. You can find her on twitter @IamPollyP or contact her via email at