GLEE: Prom-asaurus
Another week, another episode of Glee, this time with prom! Now, I went to chaperon one of these the other week, so they’re still pretty much on my mind. Of course, I had to watch the coronation of the King and Queen (not just because someone I knew was in the mix), but because I’m a sap about some things.
The list of things I’m sappy about though, does not include Rachel Berry whining about how she’s not getting what she wants from life. Girl, please go listen to “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” and be done with it. One dream for eighteen years is really not the best choice I can see making, and that doesn’t make you a penguin or any other number of flightless birds that roam the earth.
All that being said, it’s nice that someone else, who Rachel might listen to, told her to stop. Granted it was Becky, who’s trying to practice her wave for Prom Queen nominations. But still.
When it takes the previouslies to remind me of a plot point, I think it’s been too long since a topic has been explained. Who else remembered Brittany was Senior Class President? What’s she done? Apparently next to nothing. Bad for her and the school. Good for her prospects working at a chicken plant. Brittany has ideas of her legacy, which I’m grateful for. This prom committee looks horrible, and their ideas are pretty scary, too. Holy cow, that’s one group of socially awkward kids.
Stairway to Heaven is a horrible theme, but dinosaurs are awesome, according to Brittany. So let’s welcome some crazy animals and palm trees all around the gym.
Finn and Brittany are up for Prom King. Santana and Quinn for Prom Queen. What a lovely way to end the year.
I hope the song choices from New Directions this year are better than last year. No “Friday” please!
Brittany has some really interesting ideas for Prom. No gel, Santana and Quinn counting votes together. Random demonstrations of the facts that Brittany can remember.
Hold the phone Rachel! You’re going to berate your fiance for wanting to campaign with your friend who’s in a wheelchair after a life-changing accident before your not wedding? Does that seem rational to you? Does that seem right to you, even more to the point?
Quinn and Joe are doing good work for her at physical therapy and I’m so proud of her for being able to recover from the injury. Hiding it, well, I’m not really in favor of it, but Quinn’s choice so I’ll go with it.
I will never argue with Becky’s voiceovers, especially with her hatred of so many things around campus when she’s not queen. Sue’s description of how commercials are evil because of Mad Men makes me laugh. Let’s all admit that truth right now. However, Becky’s posters missed the mark a bit, with veto instead of vote. Sadly, paintbrushes don’t have spellcheck, but it still didn’t help her.
Fergie’s “Big Girls Don’t Cry” not the prom anthem you’d expect, but I suppose that if one’s not in the mood to celebrate, then it’s perfect. Rachel, you’re about to marry Finn, why are you scared of Quinn? Kurt’s scared about being Queen again, and Blaine doesn’t want to show off his real hair because it’ll be out with all of the static.
Anti-Prom…this isn’t going to be like Veronica Mars because Rachel does not throw a party like Logan Echolls. Anti-Prom is not going to be just a few people. Santana, let’s get some more truth bombs on Rachel right now. They really need to be said. You shouldn’t let other stuff get into the way of Prom and the end of Senior year.
Quinn, how do you not know that Finn wants to go to The Actors’ Studio until now? Why are you sounding so sanctimonious about someone else’s legs? I will not let Quinn’s issues get to me.
This Prom, for one in a gym, is pretty rocking. “Dinosaur” is an apt choice, though I’m really not sure why Brittany looks like some Betty Rummel or Wilma Flinestone. I will ignore the fact that the Cherrios were there dancing in their uniforms.
I’m pretty sure Rachel’s issues are rubbing off on Finn. Please don’t berate Quinn for not standing until just now in order to get votes for Prom Queen. Everything is wrong with his yelling. But I shouldn’t be shocked at that from him anymore.
Anti-Prom looks sadly lacking. Five kids, one of whom is Becky wanting to play strip poker. Bizarre Sound of Music jokes. That’s a bad room all around.
Santana, continue to be amazing and make me like Selena Gomez. That’s not something I ever thought I’d type. Let’s just forget I even said it. Finn, of course, has to ruin Santana’s song choice by complaining about Quinn still sitting in the wheelchair.
There’s a reason Anti-Prom sucks, Kurt. It doesn’t have a critical mass of people. Finn showing up in time to see his fiancee in her dress is touching. Now please get her out of the room and into the party or else it won’t be right. Finn, you have no right to mope about not going to Prom, especially if you’re about to play strip poker with Becky.
Brittany can smell gel. How is that possible? I’d rather she forgot about it and went to dance to One Direction, though. Not that I know anything about them, but this isn’t bad.
Puck, you’re a good man. I don’t know why you won’t graduate if you can make Becky’s night by crowning her Queen of the Anti-Prom. You just make her night. What a mensch you are.
Tina cries so much she’s dehydrated. Bless her. I’d rather focus on that than Rachel’s peptalk to Quinn.
Poor Brittany isn’t King. But Santana doesn’t want queen without Brittany. Not a problem since Quinn won by a vote.
Blaine without gel, well, that’s just sad. Looks worse than Seth Cohen’s jewfro, too. Borat is a little dated, though, Kurt. Can you come up with a better retort for his hair than that?
Finn is Prom King this year. How sweet. Prom anarchy, really Figgins. Just because someone was a write-in to win Prom doesn’t make it the end of governments as we know it. But it’s a sweet thing that Santana and Quinn just did to give Rachel Queen. Since when are Prom King and Queen leaders of any school? While asking that question, who thought it a good time to play “Take My Breath Away” as a first dance song? None of these kids were alive when Top Gun came out the first time.
It’s a Prom miracle that Quinn can stand. Maybe not (since we all know the truth), but it’s a nice touch in the moment. I also like the stills of our couples with the dinosaur. They’re adorable!