GLEE: Big Brother, Matt Bomer
It’s been far too long since I’ve had Glee in my life, but there’s the added benefit of this episode featuring one of my other favorite men on TV (in the form of Matt Bomer) that I’ve been sort of salivating waiting for this to be on my TV screen.
On the spring premiere of Glee, Matt Bomer (“White Collar“) plays Blaine’s “Big Brother” Cooper, from Hollywood, who pays an unwelcome visit. Also, the Gleeks spend Senior Ditch Day at an amusement park.
Watching the Show
I want more of this friendship between Artie and Quinn as they get to be wheelchair buddies. Can the show stop with the mildly ironic song choices, though? (WTF do we need “I’m Still Standing”?)
I’d have rather not have had Quinn make that speech about being able to walk again. The look on Artie’s face was torture for me.
This side of Sue is oddly horrifying, but that should be the norm at this point.
Cooper Anderson! Kurt is a fangirl over Cooper and I want to die of happiness too. (Also, why am I going to assume that Cooper Anderson is not at all like the guy from Center Stage?)
Overreacting much, Rachel? I know you care about Quinn, but that seems a bit much in connection to Senior Ditch Day.
Cooper Anderson, please do not have an ego the side of Cleveland. But this sibling rivarly is getting me some Duran Duran so I’ll let it go. Cooper Anderson, you are not officially living up to the guy from Center Stage and I’m not a fan. At all.
I’m still not a fan of Cooper, but I like that Bomer can play smarmy. Especially with this Master Acting class. I hate everything about the advice that Cooper is dishing out. It’s just bad.
Artie and Quinn, please keep up with this friendship. Even with the evil ramp of doom.
Remembering that Puck and Finn are friends…oh show thanks for that!
Do not let Sue have a baby with Downs Syndrome. I don’t really want her to have to go through that with her daughter after her sister.
Sibling issues…why am I not so shocked, Blaine? You’re usually so controlled that there’s had to be something bubbling under the surface.
Moral lesson for the day, thanks show!
Oh Sue! I’m going to cry when this baby is born, but I love that Becky told Sue to work on her patience. So many hearts in my eyes.
Taking an awesome Senior Ditch Day and turning into a downer, I should have expected it, but I do think that Artie needed to make that point.
It took nearly all episode to get to this song? Show, you know how to dangle a very big carrot in my face.
“Screw Optimus Prime,” may be the best lines uttered in an episode of this show.
There’s drama in the land of Finn and Rachel, why am I not shocked, especially if it has to do with their relationship and who’s wearing the pants.
Next week on Glee, “The Glee Project” finalist, Alex Newell will guest star as Wade in “Saturday Night Glee-ver”, airing at 8/7c, on FOX.
Photos: Adam Rose/Jordin Althaus/FOX