Parks & Recreation “Lucky” Recap – or – Got Wood?
Wow! This episode was chock full of P&R goodness. Three full -and- two ‘half’ storylines, and they managed to make everything fit. Also, I believe my request from last week’s recap has been fulfilled! Donna and Jerry got their own story, and it was a good ‘un. Let’s jump right in to our discussion about Parks & Recreation: Lucky.
Ben snags Leslie an interview with Buddy Wood, host of the #1 morning talk show in Indianapolis. It would be a huge boost to her campaign, and hopefully with the publicity, she’ll be able to regain some points in her approval rating. The downside in her struggle to win the election is Ben’s switch back to complete seriousness.
As committed as Leslie is to everything she does, she’s always had a side that loves to let go and relax. It’s probably part of her secret to staying efficient. Because she’s had an influence on Ben, he’s learned to let his hair tousle and hang out with his Pawnee friends. Now he’s turning down her invitations to have a little down time, which is troubling to Leslie and the rest of the gang.
When the interview gets cancelled, Leslie (literally) says “screw it”, and goes drinking with Ann and Tom. While they’re at the bar, Ben calls her to say that the interview is back on. Buddy is delayed at the airport, so he can meet with them after all. By that time, she’s had just enough alcohol to be off her game. She panics a little, but Ann and Tom work quickly to keep her calm and get her to the airport for the chat with Buddy. (He is played by Sean Hayes, the second Will & Grace alumni to appear on P&R)
While he talks with Leslie, he belittles Pawnee, makes light of Leslie’s plans as a Councilwoman, and repeatedly tries to dig into her relationship with Ben. She bristles and sticks firm to her desire to stay on topic – which would be talking about her campaign. She stumbles a bit here and there, not completely sober, and it loosens her tongue just enough to unleash on the TV personality. Leslie lets it slip that she’s had a few drinks, and Buddy jumps on the chance to start a scandal.
However, when she arrived at the airport before the cameras were on, she chats with the airport security guys, and we can tell that she’s done a lot to make their job easier. She has future plans as well, which is indicative of her love affair with all things Pawnee. We can see throughout the scenes at the gate that they sympathize with her. They conveniently ‘lose’ Buddy’s bags, and with them, the tape implicating Leslie in another scandal that would sink her chances of being elected. The episode is named “Lucky”, but personally, I think Leslie has more than luck on her side. She makes allies wherever she goes, and the loyalty to her pays off in spades.
The story ends when ‘fun Ben’ returns by opening a bottle of champagne to celebrate as they leave Buddy’s home – learning he can’t air the interview. I like ‘fun Ben’. *grin*
In the largest of the secondary storylines, Jerry finds his groove while stuffing envelopes for Leslie. It seems that he’s in his element when he can just turn off his brain (okay, I’m SO not taking that opening, make your own joke) and perform a repetitive task. Donna is just about to take off and sink into a warm bath (with a hawt fireman named Marcus – you go girl!) when she notices this phenomenon and decides to stick around to see what happens. Jerry tells her the task “makes sense” to him.
Donna is clearly mesmerized by the sheer robotic force Jerry has become by finding his perfect task. He reaches for an envelope from an empty box, and Donna replaces it with a full one. Jerry continues on without pausing. I LOVED this Jerry. When the clock hits 4am, Donna tells him it’s time to knock off. As Jerry comes out of his haze, he realizes he’s been putting the hand-outs in the envelopes, instead of the mailers. Instead of treating it as a setback, he begins again – while he whistles. Amazing.
I’ll combine two of the smaller plot points, as they are wound together throughout the half hour. It’s time for Andy’s final test for his Women’s Studies class. Ron and April are helping him study, and he’s memorizing material. When he gets a question correct, April throws him a treat. In passing, I want to mention that Andy looks better with the faux beard – just sayin’. When he meets with his professor, she hears his prepared material, and tells him that she’d rather just present the oral exam as a conversation. Even though he’s not prepared for that eventuality, he passes the class.
April, Andy, Ron, and Professor London decide to celebrate by going out for dinner. While there, April sees Chris eating alone at the bar. She asks him to join them, hoping that he and Linda (Prof. London) will hit it off. They seem to be doing so, but when he asks her out she declines his offer to go ‘power kayaking’. She says she just got out of a relationship and she’s not ready to date. After he leaves, she propositions Ron, and they run off to her place.
Ron wears his ‘Tiger Woods/after sex’ outfit to work the next day, and April admonishes him. She tells him that he needs to tell Chris that he doesn’t have a shot at the Professor, and he knows it’s only fair to let him down easy. He’s distressed when Chris is grateful for his consideration and gives him a long, lingering hug. During their embrace, Chris whispers “I’m quite lonely” in his ear.
Lastly, throughout the episode there was a running dialogue from Tom outlining that he and Ann had sustained more hours than usual together in their relationship. We hear him counting up, and the way he sidesteps a few pitfalls – like wanting to take a ‘mobile’ soak in the hottub limo (He was ‘just joking’ – except totally not). It’s cute to see him trying, but I just can’t see a long-term future between that pair. However, I may get hoodwinked… you never know.
Some highlights that don’t fit in to the storyline discussion: Leslie’s fashion show, complete with ‘Sandy from Grease’ Leather outfit, albeit with “Nympho” spelled out on the ass of the tight leather pants. Watching as the airport security guys protect Leslie without any dialogue. Listening to Donna cancel her ‘bath’ with Marcus.
Parks & Recreation is now – sadly – on a brief hiatus. It’ll return on April 19th, and I hope to see you back here for my next recap! Ciao!
Favorite Quotes:
Tom: “Ooooh that is great news! And, you know, we might even be able to make it back in time for boring club! Do you know who the president of boring club is?”
Ben: “…me?”
Tom: “Nope, you lost the election ’cause your speech was too boring.”
Jerry: “Well, you know, it’s like I always say… it ain’t Government work if you don’t have to do it twice.”
Andy: (to professor) “Why don’t you come with us? Is that cool? We’ll let you pay for your own food because of… equality.”
Andy: “Hey, Ron is the guy I wrote about for that paper on positive role models.”
Professor London: “Oh yeah. That was one of your most readable papers.”
Andy: (watching Prof. London and Chris) “If they got together they would make the most wonderful super baby. It would rule us all. But what if super baby became too powerful…”
April: “I guess we’ll just have to take that chance.”
Ron: “Kendra. You know what, I think I am going to have that third steak after all. Go ahead and put that order in now please and thank you.”
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