ABC Family

PRETTY LITTLE LIARS: 2 Sneak Peeks at “If These Dolls Could Talk”

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We’re getting closer to find out who “A” is on Pretty Little Liars, and the mystery is consuming my conversations with Bethanne on Tuesdays. Who is it? Is it more than one person? What did Allison know, or do, that made “A” target her? Why did Aria get in a plane with a boy she doesn’t know? So. Many. Questions.

Check out these two sneak peeks from next week’s episode, “If These Dolls Could Talk”, for more clues. Is Allison actually alive? (Bethanne has a theory that the body found in season 1 was Allison’s twin who was somehow disabled and had been hidden away.) What answers does the incredibly creepy doll hospital hold?

Pretty Little Liars airs Mondays at 8/7c on ABC Family.

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