TV Guide

NGTV Guide: Tuesday, January 24

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Note: President Obama’s State of the Union address airs tonight at 9/8c on all major networks.

Switched At Birth – 8/7c ABC Family
“Les Soeurs d’Estrees” – Daphne and Bay try to raise money to save Emmett from losing his motorcycle, and John reveals something to Angelo that might put his business partnership with Regina at risk.

Jane By Design – 9/8c ABC Family
“The Finger Bowl” – Now that Billy and Lulu have decided to take their relationship public, Billy must tell Jane. Feeling betrayed and lied to, Jane doesn’t take the news of the high school’s new “It” couple well. But now with the news out there and neither group of friends seeming very supportive of it, can Billy and Lulu withstand the peer pressure? And has Jane truly lost her one true ally in the social shark tank that is high school?

White Collar – 10/9c USA
“Upper West Side Story” – When scholarship funds from a prestigious Manhattan prep school mysteriously disappear, Neal poses as a substitute teacher to help Peter and the FBI figure out where the money is really going.

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