THE RIVER: New Hair-Raising Thriller from ABC
When I watched the pilot for The River at Comic Con this past July, I was sitting alone (i.e. without friends or Nice Girls nearby). The screen was very very big, the sound was very very loud. If they wanted to make a memorable impact on the audience, they did a fantastic job. I was terrified. I watched most of the show from behind my hands. The people sitting behind me showed no mercy as they snickered and giggled each time I jumped in my seat.
The official synopsis of the show from ABC reads: “The River” follows the story of wildlife expert and TV personality Emmet Cole (Bruce Greenwood). Emmet set course around the world with his wife, Tess, and son, Lincoln, while filming what would become one of the most popular shows in television. After he goes missing deep in the Amazon, his family, friends and crew set out on a mysterious and deadly journey to find him.
Cole’s son, Lincoln (Joe Anderson), is less than enthusiastic about going to find his father, whom he holds a grudge against for dragging the family all over creation, living their lives in the public eye, regardless of how they felt about it. It’s not until his mother, played by Leslie Hope, tells him that they have picked up the signal from his emergency homing beacon, that Lincoln decides to join her in the search.
Think Steve Irwin meets [easyazon-link asin=”B000UZDO5I”]The X-Files[/easyazon-link]. Dr. Cole is searching for magic deep in the Amazon, and judging by some of the video footage documenting his journey, he may have found something more than he bargained for.
Funding this whole search and rescue mission is Clark (Paul Blackthorne), who is looking to make money by filming the expedition and turning it into a reality TV show.
Filling out the cast are Paulina Gaitan as Jahel, Eloise Mumford (“Lone Star”) as Lena, Shaun Parkes (“The Mummy Returns”) as Adjay, Thomas Kretschmann (“King Kong”) as Captain Kurt Brynildson and Daniel Zacapa (“Resurrection Blvd.”) as Emilio.
The River comes to us from Michael Green and Michael R. Perry, of “[easyazon-link asin=”B003H9LIZC”]Heroes[/easyazon-link]”, “[easyazon-link asin=”B004XWLN20″]Smallville[/easyazon-link]” and “[easyazon-link asin=”B002VKE0XA”]Paranormal Activity[/easyazon-link]” fame, so prepare to be thrilled.
Watch The River premiering February 7, 2012 on ABC.