MERLIN: “The Darkest Hour-Part Two” Ends in Heartbreak
Friday night is the conclusion of the two-part season 4 premiere of Merlin, The Darkest Hour. Morgana has loosed the Dorocha on Camelot and the kingdom is under siege with no hope of being able to defeat these horrifying creatures from the dead. Merlin has been seriously injured by them and Lancelot is taking him back to Gaius for healing. And Gwen takes a stand for the people when Agravaine closes the gates on them, leaving them easy prey for the Dorocha.
Merlin and the knights continue their quest to find the place where the veil between the living and the dead has been ripped open by Morgause, also releasing the Dorocha. It can only be repaired with a blood sacrifice and Arthur has chosen to be the one who does this. Silly man, doesn’t he know he has a kingdom to run?
Lancelot journeys with Merlin back to Camelot by way of the Valley of the Fallen Kings, where he meets and unexpected ally. The Great Dragon also makes an appearance with some good advise.
Morgana is bothered by dreams warning her of a powerful wizard known as Emrys.
Gwen’s life may be in danger from a source she is unaware of.
The episode ends with a shocking and painful death – one that I never saw coming. I may never forgive the showrunners.
Watch the conclusion of The Darkest Hour Friday at 10/9c, on Syfy.