ONCE UPON A TIME: Lord of the Rings Star To Guest

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ABC released the synopsis for the next episode of Once Upon a Time, “Desperate Souls”, with additional information about Lord of the Rings star Brad Dourif’s guest appearance. The episode airs Sunday, January 8 at 8/7c on ABC.

Regina and Mr. Gold play dirty politics and take opposite sides when Emma runs for a coveted Storybrooke public office against Sidney. Meanwhile, back in the fairytale world that was, Rumplestiltskin tries to track down the ultimate power source in order to help his son avert the horrors of a meaningless war.

“Once Upon a Time” stars Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White/Mary Margaret, Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan, Robert Carlyle as Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold, Lana Parrilla as Evil Queen/Regina, Jared Gilmore as Henry Mills, Josh Dallas as Prince Charming/John Doe and Raphael Sbarge as Jiminy Cricket/Archie Hopper. 

Guest starring are Meghan Ory as Ruby/Red Riding Hood, Patti Allan as Miss Ginger/blind witch, Beverley Elliott as granny, Giancarlo Esposito as Sidney/mirror, Dylan Schmid as Baelfire, Conner Dwelly as Morraine, Kate Bateman as mother, Mark Gash as father, Ty Olsson as Hordor, Brad Dourif as old beggar, Michael Phenicie as The Duke, C. Ernst Harth as burly man/the ogre, David-Paul Grove as Doc and Gabe Khouth as Sneezy. 

So Dourif will play the “old beggar”, and if you read the rest of the guest list, you’ll see a blind witch, Baelfire, Morraine, a mother and father, Hordor, an ogre, two Dwarves (but not their Storybrooke counterparts), and a Duke. This is a Rumplestiltskin episode, so which fairy tale are we dealing with here? Baelfire and Morraine are both references to Robert Jordan’s [easyazon-link asin=”B002U3CCYM”]Wheel of Time[/easyazon-link] series, but other than that, I’m at a loss.

Which fairy tale do you think we’re going to see?

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