SUBURGATORY Gobble Gobbles an Instant Thanksgiving Classic
‘Tis the season for very special holiday episodes, and this year I’m giving thanks for Suburgatory‘s take on Thanksgiving. The show has been steadily improving since it’s September debut, leading up to tonight’s hilarious episode.
It’s George & Tessa’s first holiday in the ‘burbs, and they’re both missing Manhattan. Dallas invites them to her spectacularly tacky Thanksgiving dinner, planned by newly minted professional event planner Dalia, which leads to marital strife, father-daughter blow ups, and condescending lectures. You’d think the dinner would be the best scene, but the entire episode is peppered with hilarity (Dalia vs. her mom’s dog; Lisa vs. Sheila and the ugliest dress in the world) tempered by some true character development (the final scene is pitch perfect).
Suburgatory airs tonight at 8:30/7:30c on ABC.