Nice Girls Spoil: Once Upon A Time Special Edition

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Once Upon a Time has captured the hearts of millions of viewers, and we were sad that it was pre-empted this week for the American Music Awards. To ease the wait until the next episode airs (Sunday at 8/7c on ABC), we have a special spoiler column all about upcoming episodes of the magical series.

CRICKETS: This week’s episode, “That Still Small Voice”, spotlights Jiminy Cricket, before he was a cricket. His path to becoming the voice of what’s right is a surprising one; Jiminy’s parents certainly didn’t provide a moral compass for their son. In Storybrooke, Jiminy’s alter-ego, Archie Hopper, finds himself in a tight spot while trying to help Henry.

Fun fact: there are no crickets in Storybrooke.

PRINCES: Prince Charming/David gets the feature treatment the following week in “The Shepherd”. Hold on to your hats, Once Upon A Time fans, because a shocking secret about the Prince is revealed that could change everything we think we know about him.

Wondering what’s going to happen with David and Mary Margaret? Kathryn, David’s estranged wife, isn’t going away anytime soon, but eventually David will try to extricate himself from that situation in order to have a real chance with Mary Margaret.

PRINCESSES: For Valentine’s Day, we’ll be meeting Belle, from Beauty and the Beast, in an episode titled “Skin Deep”. Her story is familiar at first, but in true Once Upon A Time fashion, there’s a major twist – the “beast” is someone we already know.

We also haven’t seen the last of Ashley (aka Cinderella), who finds friendship among the women of Storybrooke as the curse’s hold begins to loosen.

ONE LAST THING: So far we’ve been focused on the Evil Queen/Regina as the villain of the show. I would suggest keeping an eye on Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold as well.

Do you have any burning questions about Once Upon a Time?

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