ONCE UPON A TIME: Prince Charming Changes His Destiny

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Warning: Spoilers Ahead!

The riddle of Snow White and Prince Charming will unravel a bit more in episode 1.06 of Once Upon a Time, airing Dcember 4 on ABC. According to the official synopsis for the episode, titled “The Shepherd”, Prince Charming “is about to encounter a life-changing event that will forever alter his destiny.” What could it be? The answer may lie in the guest cast listing: Robert Maillet will appear as Behemoth. Sounds scary. Is Snow involved somehow? Is this why the Evil Queen is out for revenge, because they foiled a plan of hers?

Meanwhile, back in Storybrook, David (aka John Doe) has fallen head over heels in love with Mary Margaret and must decide whether to stay with his (alleged) wife Kathryn or follow his heart. David Anders’ Dr. Whale will appear in this episode.

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