TV Guide

NGTV Guide: Wednesday, October 5

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Up All Night – NBC 8/7c
“New Car” – Reagan and Chris look for a family car that’s not too boring, and Chris goes into negotiating mode. Elsewhere, Ava wants to cover more serious topics on her show but isn’t happy about the work that goes into doing it.

Suburgatory – ABC 8:30/7:30c
“The Barbeque” – Tessa is horrified when she finds herself unexpectedly attracted to her exact opposite, her jock suburban neighbor (Parker Young as Ryan Shay, son of Sheila Shay), and George is pressured by the town to throw the perfect barbecue.

Modern Family – ABC 9/8c
“Door to Door” – Everyone sets their eyes on a goal: Jay is determined to help Manny sell wrapping paper for a school fundraiser; Claire petitions the city for a stop sign to be installed at a high-traffic intersection; Mitchell is hell bent on proving a point with Cameron, and neither one of them will back down; Phil and Luke will stop at nothing to create a viral video sensation; and Gloria is desperate to find Stella after losing him.

Happy Endings – ABC 9:30/8:30c
“Baby Steps” – Alex’s cute line of slogan t-shirts for babies (“Put Me to Bed”) become inappropriately popular with teen girls, who make her store their newest hangout. They’re also in awe of Alex and Penny. Meanwhile, Jane channels her inner mom as she goes in search of her “egg daughter,” the now 11-year-old girl she thinks is the result of the egg she donated in college.

Revenge – ABC 10/9c
“Betrayal” – With unexpected assistance from her new ally, Nolan, Emily makes it her mission to destroy the political and professional life of the district attorney who convicted her father. Victoria very privately grieves the loss of her only true love while plotting to confirm her suspicions about Emily’s past. Meanwhile, Daniel exposes a side of himself that Emily finds impossible to resist.

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