TV Guide

NGTV Guide: Sunday, September 11

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True Blood – 9/8c HBO – SEASON FINALE
“And When I Die” – Sookie taps into Bon Temps’ spiritual past on Samhain, a Wiccan festival, for help in her battle with Marnie’s latest incarnation. Meanwhile, Lafayette’s recent medium encounter spells trouble for his relationship with Jesus; Terry has a surprise visitor at Merlotte’s; Alcide makes a romantic proclamation; Debbie has a confrontation with Tara and Sookie; and Nan’s authority has its limits after all.

Against the Wall – 10/9c Lifetime
“Countdown to Meltdown” – Abby and Lina investigate 911 response complaints after they are unable to get emergency help. Meanwhile, Donnie tries out for the SWAT team, which leads to family secrets being revealed.

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