ABC Family

SWITCHED AT BIRTH Gets 22 More Episodes

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ABC Family announced today that they’ve ordered an additional 22 episodes of their latest hit, Switched at Birth. The cable network is calling the additional episodes part of season 1, but they won’t air until 2012. I hate when they do that. Just call it season 2!

Semantics aside, this is good news for the show starring Katie Leclerc, Vanessa Marano, Lea Thompson, Constance Marie, D.W. Moffett and Lucas Gabreel. Watching the two families deal with the fallout from discovering that their daughters were switched at the hospital has been poignant, dramatic, and funny.

The summer season finale of Switched at Birth airs Monday, August 8 at 8/7c. You can catch up on what’s happening with Nice Girl Julie’s recaps.

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