TV Guide

NGTV Guide: Monday, July 18

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Eureka – 8/7c Syfy
“Reprise” – While Carter investigates the odd behavior of Eurekans at home, Allison miles away, faces true danger. Jo suspects that Zane now knows about their relationship in the old timeline and confronts Fargo about it, though he gets quickly distracted with the arrival of Dr. Martin (Felicia Day). Why has Dr. Martin come to Eureka?

Switched at Birth – 9/8c ABC Family
“The Stag Hunt” – Daphne learns about a secret Regina has been keeping from her. Meanwhile, Bay and Emmett continue to bond.

The Closer – 9/8c TNT
“Repeat Offender” – As the LAPD undergoes a major realignment, Brenda and her team investigate the murder of a young girl who was house-sitting. Captain Raydor is forced to expand her audit of Major Crimes in light of the civil suit against Brenda and the LAPD.

Warehouse 13 – 9/8c Syfy
“Trials” – Myka’s return to the Warehouse leads to a memory-wiping escapade. How will Pete feel now that Myka is back and working with her on this new case? Could Lena’s look into Pete’s aura be a sign that he’s hiding something?

Rizzoli & Isles – 10/9c TNT
“Living Proof” – Jane and Maura’s relaxing day at an outdoor spa is anything but when they discover the murder of a pregnant woman serving as a surrogate mother. Soon the hunt is on to find the baby’s biological parents.

Alphas – 10/9c Syfy
“Cause and Effect” – A problematic former patient of Rosen’s escapes as Rosen is getting acquainted with his Department of Defense liaison, and the rest of the team tries to balance their normal lives with their work as Alphas.

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