Holiday Movies Warm Up TV
The weather outside might be turning frightful, but inside it can be quite delightful as Christmas movies fill the airwaves. This is the time of year when my DVR radiates warm fuzzies, the cocoa flows freely, and the thick socks come out of storage. Here are the holiday movies I’m looking forward to cozying up with this season as they air ad naseum on network and cable TV:
Love Actually
– Oh how I adore this movie. Despite the awkward nude pseudo-sex scenes with Martin Freeman (now better known as Dr. John Watson in the updated Sherlock), Love Actually never fails to make me smile and tear up and generally feel permeated with Christmas spirit. Boasting an all-star cast that includes Hugh Grant, Colin Firth, Emma Thompson, Alan Rickman, Liam Neeson, Bill Nighy, Keira Knightley, Thomas Sangster, and Martine McCutcheon, this tops my list of holiday movies year after year. I mean, Hugh Grant dancing through Number 10 Downing Street alone is enough to make it a must see, but add in Colin Firth jumping in a lake (AGAIN), Emma Thompson dealing with her husband’s possible betrayal, Liam Neeson and Thomas Sangster grieving (even more poignant now), and an impossibly perfect musical performance at a wedding and, well, I may have just talked myself into watching it rightnowthisminute.
Elf – If Will Ferrell’s overgrown “elf” Buddy taught me nothing else, it’s that the four food groups are “candy, candy canes, candy corn and syrup!” I’m not generally a fan of Ferrell’s brand of comedy, but Elf tickled me right from the start and is now a staple of my December viewing. Zooey Deschanel’s turn as the object of his affection, James Caan as his father, and Bob Newhart as his adopted father keep it all from getting too saccharine.
The Family Stone
– Featuring another amazing ensemble cast – Diane Keaton, Craig T. Nelson, Dermot Mulroney, Luke Wilson, Rachel McAdams, Claire Danes, Sarah Jessica Parker, Ty Giordano, Brian White, Brian Schneider – this movie about a family Christmas makes me howl with laughter and weep with grief every time I watch it. I suppose it’s cathartic, watching this family interact with an outsider who throws their faults into stark relief, while also highlighting their strengths. As my Mom likes to say about our family, the Stones put the “fun” in “dysfunctional”. (I only just noticed how similar the posters for The Family Stone and Love Actually are. Clearly they were targeting my demographic!)
The Holiday – Two strangers on different continents, unlucky in love and desperate for a change of scenery during Christmas, decide to swap houses for two weeks. I could swear I read a book with this exact premise once, but I can’t remember the title. At any rate, it’s not an original story, but is executed so charmingly that I can forgive that detail. Kate Winslet radiates sweetness and Cameron Diaz is a beam of sunshine. Both have wardrobes to die for. Jude Law is so not what I expected and Jack Black seduces you with wit and a little bit of psycho face. An entertaining sideplot with Eli Wallach and locations alternating between a charming English village (I so want to live in Iris’s cottage!) and fast-paced Hollywood seal the deal.
What are your go-to movies? I’m looking forward to trying a couple of new made-for-TV movies this year, thanks to ABC Family and The Hallmark Channel, but my DVR is always willing to cram in more!