Tiffany’s Favorite Holiday Specials
Looking back over the years and remembering all the wonderful holiday specials that have been broadcast across the television screen, a few that stand out are:
While others may prefer the Dickens’ classic A Christmas Carol
, for me growing up, the story of How the Grinch Stole Christmas
resonated louder. To this day, it reminds us that even when others may try to steal Christmas from us, it is impossible, for Christmas is in the spirit, not just the decorations.
Another treasured holiday classic is Frosty the Snowman. The story of a girl who makes a snowman friend that comes to life still manages to charm us after all these years. It is a story of friendship, despite the odds — and no matter what the distance, that friendship will endure time and distance forced apart. It reminds us that every year at Christmas, we too will see our friends that we were perhaps not able to see the rest of the year.
Along the same vein is the holiday classic, Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer. It is the story of a reindeer that was looked over and rejected time and time again because of his one physical difference. It was seen as a handicap and a reason to mock and tease him. But when the opportunity came, that very difference made Rudolf the one thing that the entire world needed for a very special purpose. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer reminds us that no matter what our differences, we are all special and that we all have a purpose in this life. It may not be readily apparent, but one day, we too will be given the opportunity to shine.
If there is one iconic image in television history that conveys the Christmas spirit, I would argue that it is in A Charlie Brown Christmas
. The stark image of a lonely, little Christmas tree that no one wanted or loved being chosen by Charlie Brown is a vivid reminder that none of us are unloved and unappreciated during the holidays. It just takes a special person to open their eyes and see our true value.
Then, while there have been many variations of the story over the years, my favorite version of Twas the Night Before Christmas is the story about a little mouse who wrote a spiteful letter to Santa Claus and very nearly caused Santa to skip their town that year until the little mouse had a change of heart. Similar to the Grinch story, this one little mouse was letting his negative feelings towards a holiday he did not want to believe in try to push his feelings onto others. Yet, no matter how we each may feel about a holiday, it is ultimately wrong to deny others the fun of enjoying a holiday.
Last, but not least, Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas also brings a fun story into the Christmas holiday lore. While the Grinch may have wanted to steal Christmas and prevent it, in Jack Skellington’s case, he wanted to be Santa Claus. Given how cool Christmas is and how Santa Claus does have perhaps the coolest job on the planet, it is understandable. Who amongst us does not wish we could be Santa Claus for a day? It would be a dream job to make children’s wishes come true.
These are but just a few of the magnificent holiday specials that air each Christmas season. Make sure you take the time to share in the joy and memories that each brings into our lives.