
Kristen Bell Wants to Finance A Veronica Mars Movie

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Nice Girls of the world, would you go see Veronica Mars, Logan, & Wallace on the big screen? I know I would, and Kristen Bell really wants to make it happen. At the premiere of her new movie, You Again, she told The Hollywood Reporter that she’d finance a Veronica Mars movie herself if Warner Bros. would sell the rights to the project.

Veronica Mars coming to theaters?

Kristen Bell wants a Veronica Mars movie

“At this point, Warner Bros. can make it but like any studio they have research that tells them whether or not they’ll make their money back,” she added. “And that’s what we’ve been told: That it’s just not there. So my duty, because I wanted this movie made from the minute our show got canceled, is to a) do it before I’m 40; and b) to prove to Warner Bros. that there is an audience. You already have 3 million who watched it every week hardcore fans that will see it — you can only build from there.”

Kristen revealed that there’s been some talk of a Veronica Mars web series, too, but she would prefer that the series get a “bigger treatment” and go to the multiplexes. We’ve been hearing rumors about a movie since the series ended in 2007, but Kristen has only recently become vocal about her desire for it to happen. Maybe this will be the catalyst to finally make it a reality.

Not familiar with Veronica Mars? You need to watch it RIGHT NOW! All three seasons are available on DVD and has the entire final season available free online right now.

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